• January 23, 2025

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud News

The Arab World’s Search for Moral Authority

Has the Arab intellectual been reduced to a bubblehead on some agenda-driven television channel saying exactly what is expected of him or her to say? The number of published Arab authors and higher education degree holders must have grown exponentially in recent years as a result of the proliferation of well-funded universities throughout the Middle […]

Ramzy Baroud News

The Secret History of My Geography Teacher, also Co-founder of Hamas

Hasanat’s oldest son is Yaser, thus he was “Abu Yaser” – father of Yaser. I have never met Yaser, but I knew Tariq Dukhan well. Both Tariq and Yaser, along with two other teenagers, started the militant wing of Hamas, known as Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Tariq went to my school in Nuseirat. He was […]

The Arab Intellectual is Resting

A novel by Abdul Rahaman Munif represented the pain of a past generation, and the aspiration of many to come. Language was timeless then. One would read what Tunisia’s Abu al-Qasim al-Shabbi wrote in the 1930’s and Palestine’s Samih al-Qassim much later and still feel that the words echoed the same sentiment, anger, hope, pride, […]

Where is the Arab Intelligentsia?

This is a strange period in the history of Arab culture and politics. It is strange because popular revolutions are propelled by the articulation and insight of intellectuals. It is truly unparalleled since the Al-Nahda years (roughly between 1850 and 1914), which witnessed the rise of a political, cultural and literary movement in Syria, Egypt […]

The Arab Intellectual is Resting, Not Dead

But this is temporary. It has to be. The great cultures that have survived prolonged fights against brutal dictators and foreign dominance for generations, yet still gave birth to some of the most brilliant intellectuals, novelists, and poets of all time are capable of redeeming themselves. It is only a matter of time, and perhaps, […]

Ramzy Baroud News

The Arab Intellectual is Resting, Not Dead

A novel by Abdul Rahaman Munif represented the pain of a past generation, and the aspiration of many to come. Language was timeless then. One would read what Tunisia’s Abu al-Qasim al-Shabbi wrote in the 1930’s and Palestine’s Samih al-Qassim much later and still feel that the words echoed the same sentiment, anger, hope, pride, […]

Thinking beyond Western Democracy

Yes, time to think outside the box. I am not claiming that China has the answers (although there is much truth to what Eric X Li is saying, which I observed myself when I visited the country – I wish I could have been there long enough to study the popular, non-elitest component of the […]

Ramzy Baroud News

The Truth About Root Causes of Terrorism

Truly, US President Barack Obama’s recent call to address the root causes of violence, including that of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) and al-Qaeda was a step in the right direction, but still miles away from taking the least responsibility for the mayhem that has afflicted the Middle East since the US invasion of Iraq […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Daesh is No Popular Phenomenon

True, at present, the Middle East region is the ideal incubator for violent militancy and political radicalisation. However, it is difficult to place Daesh even within that context without raising a host of questions. Starting with the first US-led western war in Iraq (1990-91), then a decade-long blockade, then the invasion of Iraq (2003), the […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Setting Illogical Discourse

One is rarely proposing to ignore existing fault lines in Middle Eastern societies, standing sectarianism, fundamentalism, brewing, unresolved conflicts, and of course the monster of authoritarianism and corruption. None of this should be unheeded; if indeed a peaceful future is to be made possible. On the other hand, the argument that desperately seeks every possible […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Obama’s Admission Not Enough

One is rarely proposing to ignore existing fault lines in Middle Eastern societies, standing sectarianism, fundamentalism, brewing, unresolved conflicts, and of course the monster of authoritarianism and corruption. None of this should be unheeded, if indeed a peaceful future is to be made possible. On the other hand, the argument that desperately seeks every possible […]

Ramzy Baroud News

« L’État islamique » : un phénomène a-historique ?

Du point de vue de l’histoire populaire, (« l’histoire par le bas » qui était au moins en partie cohérente avec la violence répandue sur la région par les États-Unis et leurs alliés. Couplée avec le soutien occidental à Israël tout au long des décennies, et le soutien constant apporté par l’Occident à divers dictateurs arabes corrompus […]

Parking Space Terrorism: Time for Action after Killing of Three US Muslims

The murder of three American Muslims at a University of North Carolina condominium on Tuesday, 10 February, was no ordinary murder, nor is the criminal who killed them an ordinary thug. The context of the killings, the murder itself and the media and official responses to the horrific event is a testimony to everything that went wrong […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Raccommodage avec « l’axe de la résistance » : le Hamas retourne à la case départ

Même si le Hamas est parvenu à freiner la progression militaire d’Israël dans la bande de Gaza, ses manœuvres politiques régionales de ses dernières années ne portent pas leurs fruits. Isolé simultanément par Israël et d’autres entités arabes, délaissé par l’Autorité palestinienne de Mahmoud Abbas, le Mouvement de résistance islamique se trouve à nouveau confronté […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Chapel Hill ou le terrorisme de la place de stationnement

Le meurtre de trois musulmans américains dans un immeuble à proximité de l’université de Caroline du Nord ce mardi 10 février n’était pas un meurtre ordinaire, et le criminel n’était pas non plus un voyou ordinaire. Le contexte de la tuerie, le meurtre en lui-même et les réactions des médias et des instances officielles à […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Do Israelis have any idea how bad it is in Gaza?

According to an in-depth analysis in Ma’an News Agency, Ramzy Baroud argued the outcome out of these processes is leading to Hamas being pushed out the political circles of the southern Arab states (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar) and back into arms of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, from which Hamas broke off two years ago. Like […]

Ramzy Baroud News

‘Islamic State’ mystery

People’s history attempts to study certain political and other phenomena by examining the underlying circumstances of history that go beyond the intrigues, interests and conspiracies of competing elites. It looks at the lives of ordinary people, united by the most common historical denominators to explain collective occurrences in the past or present, and attempts to […]

Ramzy Baroud News

17 Books About Palestine That You Must Read – BuzzFeed

Here is a list of 17 must-read books about Palestine, written by Palestinians. “In a land where hope is the most precious commodity passed down through the generations, these [books] provide a tangible platform for silenced voices to be heard and means towards gaining some dignity for a wounded nation. – Ramzy Baroud – Read […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Parking space terrorism

But Hicks, who walked into the flat of three students in Chapel Hill, NC and shot them, execution style, was not a Muslim. He comes from Christian heritage. He is not black or brown, but white. His name is not Ahmed, but Craig. That changes everything. Neither the police nor the media would describe his […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Hamas faced with bitter choices

Hamas faced with bitter choices – Ramzy Baroud – Gulf News Following the immeasurable brutality of the Israeli assault on Gaza last summer, coupled with a completed siege and sealed borders on all sides, Hamas finds itself in an almost impossible situation, leading it to foster closer ties with Iran. Seemingly isolated from many Arab […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Chère Syrie … D’un réfugié à un autre

Chère Syrie … D’un réfugié à un autre – Ramzy Baroud – Info Palestine/Palestine Chronicle Chaque fois que le mot « réfugié » est prononcé, je pense à ma mère. Quand les milices sionistes commencèrent leur offensive et leur « nettoyage » systématiques de la population arabe palestinienne de la Palestine historique en 1948, celle-ci, […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Hamás vuelve a la casilla uno

Restableciendo el “eje de la resistencia” – Hamás vuelve a la casilla uno – Ramzy Baroud – Rebelion / Middle East Eye Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández. Las opciones de Hamás son bien complejas ya que se enfrenta tanto a críticas como alabanzas por su cambio de táctica, pero es la supervivencia […]

Ramzy Baroud News

On Whitewashing Hicks’ Terrorism: #MuslimLivesMatter

Craig Stephen Hicks is a terrorist, but the media is struggling to find other terminology to describe his crime. The man who shot and killed three Muslim students in Chapel Hill, NC on Wednesday, February 11 is no ordinary terrorist either. A white male who proudly displayed his gun on social media carried out his […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Hamas and the trap of Sectarianism

Prior to the so-called Arab Spring, the region was divided in two political camps. One is known as the “axis of resistance,” also the “rejectionist” camp. It consists of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas. The other is the camp of “moderates” which pools US regional allies. The latter was positioned to offset the former. Then, […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Hamas Returns to the Start

Restoring the Axis Arabs were either consumed with their own problems or watched Gaza’s severe punishment by Israel with a mix of dread, amusement and anticipation. Those who urged Hamas to part ways with Iran failed to move forward and fill the existing gap of weapons, money and other material aid. Not only did many […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Hamas, Afghanistan, West and CIA: Conspiracy Theories Abound in Poor Sinai

Many insist on ignoring the logic that poverty, neglect and violence breed resentment, militancy and counter violence in the Sinai Peninsula. Major General Ahmed Raja Attia, founder of a unit in the Egyptian army known as Task Force 777, has a fascinating theory of his own. He told a local TV channel: “Those who carried […]

Middle East Ramzy Baroud News

La « Grande Guerre » du Sinaï : comment on perd une « Guerre contre le Terrorisme »

Quittant les marges de la politique égyptienne, la Péninsule du Sinaï est devenue incontestablement centrale, et l’homme fort de l’Egypte, le Président al-Sissi, se retrouve lui-même fortement décrédibilisé par la montée d’une rébellion qui semble se renforcer au fil du temps. Une nouvelle série d’attaques mortelles et coordonnées, le 29 janvier dernier, a brisé la […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Executing Sajida al-Rishawi is NOT the answer to killing Moaz al-Kasasbeh

The grisly execution of Moaz al-Kasasbeh has further highlighted something we have all known: the so-called ‘Islamic State’ are cruel thugs, whose actions don’t represent Muslims, Islam, or any radical, militant movement with an iota of morality or humanity. But the decision to execute Sajida al-Rishawi, along with others already imprisoned in Jordan in response […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Despair in Sinai: Sisi’s Lost War

Excerpts from The ‘great war’ of Sinai: How to lose a ‘war on terror’ – Ramzy Baroud – Middle East Eye The Sinai Peninsula has moved from the margins of the Egyptian body politic to the uncontested centre, as Egypt’s strong man – President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi – finds himself greatly undercut by the rise […]

Ramzy Baroud News

A dispossessed Palestinian advises a refugee from Syria

Whenever the word “refugee” is uttered, I think of my mother. When Zionist militias began their systematic onslaught and “cleansing” of the Palestinian Arab population from historic Palestine in 1948, she, along with her family, ran away from the once peaceful village of Beit Daras. Back then, Zarefah was 6. Her father died in a […]