Israel has done so much to ensure that Palestinians don’t have access to water – not only as a form of collective punishment, but to also to ensure Palestinians do not develop their economy, says Ramzy Baroud, editor of The Palestine Chronicle. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have reportedly been left without access to safe […]
Por Ramzy Baroud Israel assassinou mais de 500 crianças em 51 dias de ataques contra Gaza em 2014 Há povos que surpreendentemente se tornam invencíveis nas circunstâncias mais difíceis. É o caso do povo palestino. A Sociedade israelense está permanentemente a desviar-se para a direita, pelo que todo o paradigma político do país está em […]
By Ramzy Baroud Mais la malheureuse direction palestinienne, avec ses partenaires de la Ligue arabe, rejoints par les Français, les représentants de l’UE et des Nations Unies et même le secrétaire d’État américaine, John Kerry, ont décidé de jouer le jeu. Cependant, l’initiative devenue conférence de paix française à Paris le 3 juin n’est rien […]
The French government has its own reasons for taking the lead on reviving the dormant peace talks. Writing in Israel’s Arutz Sheva, Eran Lerman explained the French endeavour in more practical terms: “Broad regional security considerations” are driving the French diplomatic initiatives. In fact, the logic behind this is discernible. French President Francois Hollande’s approval […]
The Scott Horton Show: “Ramzy Baroud, an author, an internationally syndicated columnist and founder of The Palestine Chronicle, discusses why the French-hosted Israel-Palestine peace conference (not attended by Israel) is a total sham; the increasingly fascistic Israeli people and government; and why all apartheid states must come to an end eventually – even Israel.” Click […]
Thomas L. Friedman recently published an article in New York Times, titled “Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel-Palestine” in which he insists that Netanyahu is the reason for the conflict. Do you agree with his point? Elsewhere in his article, Friedman names Moshe Yaalon as a decent man; is he really decent, considering how […]
By Ramzy Baroud Israeli society is constantly swerving to the Right and, by doing so, the country’s entire political paradigm is redefined regularly. Israel is now ‘ruled by the most extreme rightwing government in its history’ has grown from being an informed assessment to a dull cliché over the course of only a few years. […]
قال الكاتب والأكاديمي رمزي بارود إن حضور فلسطين في الإعلام العالمي مكثف لأن البروباغندا الإسرائيلية أيضا مكثفة وتستهدف تقديم فلسطين سلبيا، مما يستوجب على الفلسطينيين والعرب والمناصرين للقضية تقديم توليفة مغايرة. وأضاف بارود خلال لقائه ببرنامج “في العمق” حلقة (6/6/2016) أن الصهاينة بدؤوا بتأسيس روايتهم لاحتلال فلسطين منذ مئة عام، بينما انتبه الفلسطينيون إلى ذلك […]
Ramzy Baroud speaks to Salaamedia’s, Hawa Mayere, at the Palestine International Forum for Media and Communications, Istanbul, Turkey – May 19, 2016.
While the international news media has trained its lens on the war in Syria, another conflict is failing to get its share of the coverage – Yemen. Both sides in this war have stocked up on all the media ammunition available – to fight the propaganda war. Rebel forces took over state media to tell […]
Ever since Saudi Arabia intervened in Yemen last year to push back against the Houthi rebels in the capital Sana’a, both the warring sides have stocked up their media arsenals to help push their version of this war. Talking us through the story are: Iona Craig, journalist; Nawal Al Maghafi, reporter and filmmaker; Ramzy Baroud, […]
It is my pleasure to join “Team Palestine for PCRF Washington State” and to direct some of my energy to raise awareness of Palestine Children’s Relief Fund’s commendable efforts aimed at providing urgent medical treatment for Palestinian children, in Palestine and all over the world. I plan to dedicate my 10th full marathon later this […]
PALESTINE: Healing Mother and Child Years of war in Gaza have broken the bond between mothers and children. Suffering from severe psychosocial trauma, mothers are unable to nurture their children. This year, KinderUSA focuses on restoring that bond and creating healthy interactions between parent and child.Another area of continued focus is the ever-present food insecurity. […]
The one-day Australians for Palestine Symposium “In the Eye of the Storm: Palestine and the New Media” was held in Melbourne, Australia at the Telstra Conference Centre on Thursday 31 March 2016 with keynote speakers Ali Abunimah and Ramzy Baroud (via video) and was followed by 3 sessions of panel presentations and discussions.
SAVE THE DATE: AFP ONE-DAY MEDIA SYMPOSIUM Thursday 31 March 2016 Australians for Palestine is sponsoring a one-day symposium in Melbourne on Thursday 31 March 2016 with a focus on journalism, citizen journalism and the new media and its influence on public perceptions of the Israel/Palestine conflict. In particular, it will look at how the Boycott, […]
The Israeli pretext for demolishing Khirbet Tana, a village to the east of Nablus, was that it is located near firing zones, says Dr. Ramzy Baroud, editor of Israel demolished at least 41 structures, including an elementary school, in Khirbet Tana village in the West Bank on March 4, displacing 10 families and 36 […]
I am honored to be MCing an evening with one of the greatest friends of the Palestinian people anywhere, Dr. Mads Gilbert in Seattle on March 11. The event, which will take place at Town Hall is a fundraiser for KinderUSA, which has served the children of Palestine, the Middle East and around the world […]
As Albert Woodfox of the ‘Angola Three” is released, I would like to celebrate the bittersweet occasion with this poem I wrote following the death of his comrade and friend Herman Wallace in 2013 after spending 41 years in prison. This poem and others will be published along side the inspiring poetry of Samah Sabawi […]
Palestinian Author and Journalist Dr. Ramzy Baroud will be speaking at the MARXISM 2016 Conference in Victorian College of the Arts – Melbourne, Australia March 26, 2016. For more information visit:
Read my chapter (“Fighting Another Day: Gaza’s Unrelenting Resistance” — Section 3: “Narrating Gaza”) in this excellent, soon to be released book by HURST Publishes and Oxford University Press, entitled: “Gaza as Metaphor”. Edited by two superb intellectuals, Helga Tawil-Souri and Dina Matar, the anthology includes the work of a number of well-respected authors and […]
Please join me to congratulate Dr. Ghada Ageel on the launch of her book anthology: “Apartheid in Palestine: Hard Laws and Harder Experiences.” (University of Alberta Press, Jan 15, 2016). It was my pleasure to have my chapter included alongside contributions by such respected, sincere intellectuals as Richard Falk, Yasmeen Abu-Laban, Huwaida Arraf, Abigail B. […]
Read my contribution and those of many Palestinian intellectuals all over the world in this just published new book from the Edinburgh University Press. (Edited by Yasir Suleiman). From book description at Amazon: “How does it feel when you cannot find Palestine under P in the encyclopaedia your father brings home? Why cultivate fig and […]
As I am reading Susan Abulhawa’s new and incredible novel, The Blue Between Sky and Water (which you must acquire immediately and read) I ran into this statement that truly made my day. Thank you Susie for honoring Beit Daras and Gaza; all Badrasawis and Gazzawis everywhere are happy and thank you as well.
Dear Readers, I will be speaking in Spokane, WA on February 19. (See below for venue and contact details). Hope to see some of you there. It is my first talk in Washington State in a while since I was mostly living and travelling in Europe and the Middle East in the last couple of […]
With two widely differing coalitions and one very complex Civil War, it would appear there is little room for compromise in Syria today. While Russia has called for a united front to fight terrorism in the country, Washington and its allies have very different and often contradictory plans. CrossTalking with Ramzy Baroud, Mehmet Solmaz, and Gareth […]
Friends, on Nov 29, I will be running my ninth full marathon in Seattle Washington. That is a distance of 26.2 miles (42.195k). This run, like others, is dedicated to a good cause: the Rachel Corrie Tournament for People with Disabilities to be held in Gaza in December. The Gaza tournament coincides with the United […]
In Arabic – Palestinian Author and journalist Dr. Ramzy Baroud addresses the question of the ‘Third Intifada’, its historical origins, political and social context, in addition to the issue of collective identity in modern Palestinian history.
The current Intifada in Palestine cannot be separated from the past or reduced to a simple term linked to a failed peace process. It is a rebellion which is rooted in a much deeper and larger context, and that has to be appreciated in its entirety. The defining event that led to his exile was […]