• February 23, 2025

The Roadmap for a Palestinian Strategy

It is not difficult to speak of the Palestinians’ need to surmount ideological, factional and political divides. But the challenge is not as easy as a mere collective nod of agreement that division is indeed at the heart of the Palestinian crisis. Real, urgent action is needed.

Firstly, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) of Mahmoud Abbas must be removed in favour of a return to a more unifying institutional body. This assertion is more relevant than ever before, following the Israeli elections, which once more produced the same power configuration within Israel’s political class, under the leadership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Moreover, counting on Israeli society to change from within is a colossal waste of time, during which, the suffering of an entire nation — torn between an occupied home and a harsh diaspora — will not cease.

But what are Palestinians and the supporters of a just peace in Palestine and Israel to do?

First, the most difficult obstacle to overcome is the stronghold of Abbas and his corrupt circle on Palestine’s political discourse at home. The post-Oslo circle only exists to maintain the status quo: US interests and involvement as a mediator in the conflict and Israel’s security. Thus the constant crackdown on Palestinian opposition and resistance and ensuring that the PNA has a reason to exist for the sake of ensuring the many privileges that come with the job.

This whole apparatus must be overcome if Palestinians are to have any chance at formulating an alternative strategy.

– Read more: The Roadmap for a Palestinian Strategy – Ramzy Baroud, Gulf News


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