• March 31, 2025
Articles Palestine/Israel

Palestine’s Moment: Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians Have Altered the Course of History

Finally, it can unequivocally be asserted that the Palestinian resistance scored a major victory, arguably unprecedented in its proud history. This is the first time that Israel is forced to accept that the rules of the game have changed, likely foreverhttps://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210525-despite-massive-losses-the-palestinians-have-altered-the-course-of-history/

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

List of Israeli Targets Leaked: Tel Aviv Fears the Worst in ICC Investigation of War Crimes

The fact that a “secret list” exists is an indication that Tel Aviv understands that this era is different and that international law, which has failed Palestinians for over 70 years, may, for once, deliver, however a small measure of justice.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Why Does Israel Celebrate Its terrorists: Ben Uliel and the Murder of the Dawabsheh Family

The hundreds of thousands of Jewish extremists who have been transferred to permanently settle in the occupied territories, an act that starkly violates international law, do not operate outside the colonial paradigm designed by the Israeli government.

Articles Palestine/Israel Videos

‘Apartheid is a Crime’: Former Swedish Diplomat Speaks about His Experiences in Occupied Palestine (PALESTINE CHRONICLE TV)

Svensson joined Palestine Chronicle editors Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo on “Palestine Chronicle TV”, on May 6, to discuss his fascinating experiences in Palestine and the balancing act of being a diplomat and a conscientious human being who cares deeply about the principles of justice and equality. 

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Spreading the Virus of Occupation: Spitting as a Weapon in the Hand of Colonial Israel

Israel will never relent without international intervention. Without being held accountable, even a deadly virus will never alter the habits of a vile military occupation.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Abuse, Oppression and Murder: The PA Does Israel’s Dirty Work in the West Bank

The Palestinian Authority has made it crystal clear that its violence against dissenting Palestinians is no different than Israeli violence targeting any form of resistance, anywhere in Palestine.

Articles Palestine/Israel

These Chains Will Be Broken: New Book Delivers Resistance Message from Palestinian Prisoners to the World

On Monday, January  20, Clarity Press, Inc. of Atlanta announced the launch of These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons, by Palestinian author and journalist, Ramzy Baroud, and The Palestine Chronicle Editorial Team.  Bookended by a Foreword by Khalida Jarrar Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and an Afterword by […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

A Year in Review: Will 2020 Be a Game Changer in Palestine?

By Ramzy Baroud This has been a defining year for Palestine and Israel. Despite the usual political stagnation of the Palestinian leadership, two factors contributed to making 2019 particularly eventful and, looking ahead, consequential as well: The unprecedented political power struggle in Israel, and the total US retreat from its own self-proclaimed role as an […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

From a Blessing to a Curse: How UN Resolution 2334 Accelerated Israel’s Colonization in the West Bank

By Ramzy Baroud Three years ago, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2334. With fourteen members voting in favor and one abstention, the Resolution was the equivalent of a political earthquake. Indeed, it was the first time in many years that the international body roundly condemned Israel for its illegal settlement policies in the Occupied Palestinian […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Infallible Warrior: Honest Reflections on the Legacy of Yasser Arafat 15 Years after his Death

By Ramzy Baroud 15 years after the passing of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian people continue to reflect on his legacy. Thousands of images of “Abu Ammar” have been shared across numerous social media platforms remembering a man whose nom de guerre has been affiliated with the Palestinian struggle for decades. Arafat’s legacy, however, […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians that Nobody is Talking about

By Ramzy Baroud Palestine’s Christian population is dwindling at an alarming rate. The world’s most ancient Christian community is moving elsewhere. And the reason for this is Israel. Christian leaders from Palestine and South Africa sounded the alarm at a conference in Johannesburg on October 15. Their gathering was titled: “The Holy Land: A Palestinian Christian Perspective”. […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Last Lifeline: The Real Reason behind Abbas’ Call for Elections

By Ramzy Baroud The call by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for elections in the Occupied Territories is a political ploy. There will be no true, democratic elections under Abbas’ leadership. The real question is: why did he make the call in the first place? On September 26, Abbas took on the world’s most important […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

On Racism and ‘Wild Beasts’: Why Israel Besieges Palestinians

By Ramzy Baroud The Israeli Apartheid Wall, which is being built largely on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, once more underscores the ugliness of military occupation. As such, it truly epitomizes the nature of Israeli apartheid and also delineates the siege-driven, isolationist mentality that dominates the ruling-class thinking in Israel. Even years before the establishment […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

The Africa-Palestine Conference: Why South Africa Must Lead the Way

By Ramzy Baroud On September 16, I visited South Africa, a country where many Palestinians have always felt welcomed, if not overwhelmed by the degree of genuine and meaningful solidarity. While having the honor to address many audiences in six, major cities, I have also learned a great deal. An important and sobering lesson is that while […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Jewish Settlers Rule the Roost in Israel, but at What Cost?

By Ramzy Baroud Jewish Israeli settlers are on a roll as they rampage across the occupied Palestinian West Bank. While settler violence is part of the daily routine in Palestine, the violence of recent weeks is linked directly to the General Election in Israel, scheduled to be held on 17 September. The previous election, just four months […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

As Abbas Ages, Fatah Moves to Consolidate Power

By Ramzy Baroud Five years after spearheading what is inaptly referred to as a ‘government of national reconciliation’, Palestinian Prime Minister, Rami Hamdallah, has finally resigned. “We put our government at the disposal of President Mahmoud Abbas, and we welcome the recommendations of the Fatah Central Committee to form a new government,” Hamdallah tweeted, shortly […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Mahmoud Abbas: Stop Exploiting Ahed Tamimi for Personal Gain

By Ramzy Baroud The father of 11-year-old, Abdul Rahman Nofal contacted me, asking for help. His son was shot in the leg during Gaza’s ‘Great March of Return’ protests. The Strip’s dilapidated health care system could not save the little boy’s leg, as it was later amputated. His father, Yamen, himself a young man from the Buraij […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Did Israel Inspire Trump’s Family Separation Policy?

By Ramzy Baroud This past May, the United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, announced the government’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy at US border crossings. It was a matter of weeks before the new policy began yielding tragic outcomes. Those attempting to unlawfully cross into the US were subject to federal criminal prosecution, while their children were […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Palestine is Not occupied, It is Colonized

By Ramzy Baroud June 5, 2018, marks the 51st anniversary of the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. But, unlike the massive popular mobilization that preceded the anniversary of the Nakba – the catastrophic destruction of Palestine in 1948 – on 15 May the anniversary of the occupation is hardly generating equal mobilization. The unsurprising death of the ‘peace […]