• March 29, 2025
Articles Palestine/Israel

The West Bank’s Men of the CIA – Why is the PA Killing Palestinians in Jenin?

How long will the PA be allowed to serve the role of the enforcers of the Israeli occupation and the protector of settlers, while still promoting itself as the guardian of Palestinian rights, freedom and statehood?

Articles Palestine/Israel

‘Great Opportunity’ for Permanent War: What if Israel Annexed the West Bank?

Palestinians will certainly resist, as they always do. The nature of the resistance will prove critical in the success or failure of the Israeli scheme.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Israel’s True Objectives in Gaza, and Why It Will Fail

Israel’s new plans will not succeed simply because Israel continues to face the same obstacle: the steadfastness of the Palestinian people.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Cartography of Genocide: Why Netanyahu Erased Palestine from the Map

For him, Palestinians are nomadic beings who, by mere historical incident, ventured into his biblical land, in which they have no claim or right. 

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Twisted Israeli Logic of Murdering Palestinian Children, and What Can We Do to Stop It?

The problem for Palestinians is not just that of Israel’s violence, but also the lack of international will to hold Israel accountable. 

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

A ‘Terrorist Onslaught’? This is Why Netanyahu, Gallant Blame Iran for West Bank Violence

For Israel to understand the reasons behind the growing Palestinian resistance in all of its forms, it needs to look at the devastated refugee camps of Jenin, Balata and Nur Shams – not Tehran – for the answers.

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Resistance vs. the Palestinian Authority: Will Abbas Lead Palestinians to Civil War?

To live up to Israel’s expectations and to ensure its survival, the PA is willing to clash directly with Palestinians who refuse to toe the line. 

Articles Palestine/Israel

Jenin is Just the Start: Did Palestinians Finally Bury the Ghosts of the Past?

For the older generation, time has stood still. But it has not. The new Palestinian generation has buried the ghosts of the past and moved on.

Ramzy Baroud News

GOING VIRAL: Baroud on ‘Redacted’ to Explain Israel’s Motives behind Jenin Invasion

Palestinian journalist, author, and Editor of the Palestine Chronicle was a guest on the popular YouTube channel, Redacted. 

Articles Palestine/Israel

A Man Without a Strategy: How Netanyahu is Provoking Armed Intifada in the West Bank

For Netanyahu, the frequent deadly raids on Palestinian towns and refugee camps translate into political assets that allow him to keep his extremist supporters happy. But this is short-term thinking.

Articles Palestine/Israel Videos

Lions’ Den is Not a Fleeting Phenomenon: On Palestine’s Looming Armed Revolt

Just when Israel, and even some Palestinians, began talking about the Lions’ Den phenomenon in the past tense, a large number of fighters belonging to the newly-formed Palestinian group marched in the city of Nablus.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Difficult Months Ahead: Why Israel is Afraid of the Lions’ Den

Palestinians are simply fed up with the Israeli occupation and with their collaborating leadership. They are ready to put it all on the line, in fact, in Jenin and Nablus, they already have.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Strangers Behind the Trees: On the Death of Rayan Suliman and His Fear of Monsters

Children of my Gaza refugee camp were rarely afraid of monsters but of Israeli soldiers. This is all that we talked about before going to bed. Unlike imaginary monsters in the closet or under the bed, Israeli soldiers are real, and they could show up any minute – at the door, on the roof or, as was often the case, right in the middle of the house.

Articles Palestine/Israel Videos

‘The Palestinian View’ – with Ramzy Baroud: Which Side is the PA On? (VIDEO)

Ramzy Baroud talks about the Palestinian Authority, its violence against the Palestinian people and the very future of the PA.

Articles Palestine/Israel

From Nabulsi to Shtayyeh: Which Side is the PA On?

The PA’s future course of action will likely determine its relationship with Israel and its western supporters, on the one hand, and with the Palestinian people, on the other.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Palestine’s New Resistance Model: How the Last Year Redefined the Struggle for Palestinian Freedom

Considering that the new resistance is centered around homegrown, grassroots, community-oriented movements, it has far greater chances of success than previous attempts.

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Ethnic Cleansing of Masafer Yatta: Israel’s New Annexation Strategy in Palestine

Israel must not succeed in Masafer Yatta, because if it does, its original, mass annexation scheme will become a reality in no time.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

For Palestinians, Food Insecurity is Now an Existential Threat

A serious conversation involving Palestinians, Arab countries, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and other parties must take place to discuss and resolve Palestine’s food insecurity.

Articles Palestine/Israel

2021 in Palestine: A New Generation Has Finally Risen

2021 was also a year of unity, cultural achievements and hope, as a new generation is finally taking center stage, asserting its identity and its centrality to the future of its homeland

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Why is Israel Amending Its Open-Fire Policy: Three Possible Answers

It is true that Israel operates outside the minimum standards of international and humanitarian laws, but it is the responsibility of the international community to protect Palestinians, whose lives remain precious even if Israel disagrees.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News Videos

WATCH: ‘Unity and Resistance’: Ramzy Baroud Delivers Speech at Casa Arabe in Madrid

Palestine Chronicle editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud, delivered a speech at Casa Arabe on Thursday, as part of the Palestine Week, which was organized to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News Videos

‘There Must Be a Cost for the Occupation’: Palestine Chronicle Editor Delivers Lecture at Madrid University (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)

On the occasion of the Palestinian solidarity week in Madrid, Palestine Chronicle editor Ramzy Baroud delivered a lecture at the Universidad Complutense of the Spanish capital.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Bill Gates Should Know Better: How the Israeli Occupation Ravages the Environment in Palestine

From the destruction of Palestinian wells to the poisoning of trees, to the demolishing of entire ecosystems to make space for Israel’s apartheid wall, to the use of depleted uranium in its various wars against Gaza, Israel has been on an unrelenting mission to ruin Palestine’s environment in all of its manifestations.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion

The truth is that a thousand or a million more statements by western governments will not end the Israeli occupation, or even slow down the pace of Israeli military bulldozers as they uproot Palestinian trees, destroy homes and construct yet more illegal colonies.

Articles Palestine/Israel

One Man as a Whole Generation: The Unfinished War of Zakaria Zubeidi

Zakaria Zubeidi is not just a single person but a whole generation of Palestinians in the West Bank who are caught up in an impossible dilemma, having to choose between a painful, but real, struggle for freedom and political compromises, which, in Zakaria’s own words, ‘have achieved nothing’.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Hashtag ‘Untie_Our_Hands’: How Many More Palestinians Must Die for Israel’s ‘Security’?

Considering the disproportionate number of Palestinian casualties which, at times, push Palestinian morgues in Gaza to full capacity, it is inconceivable what Israeli soldiers, army generals, and politicians want exactly when they speak of ‘untying their hands’.

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Murder of the ‘Menacing’ Water Technician: On the Shadow Wars in the West Bank

The protest in Beita is a protest for land rights, water rights and basic human rights. Bani-Shamsa and, later, Salim, were killed in cold blood simply because their protests were mere irritants to the grand design of colonial Israel.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Family Separation Law: Israel’s Demographic War on Palestine Intensifies

As Israel continues to experiment with controlling the Palestinian population, it would be shameful if the international community continued to remain silent. This moral outrage must end. 

Articles Palestine/Israel

The People vs. Mahmoud Abbas: Are the Palestinian Authority’s Days Numbered?

The PA has proven to be an obstacle in the face of Palestinian freedom, with no credibility among Palestinians. It clings on to power only because of US and Israeli support

Articles Media Palestine/Israel

Say This, Don’t Say That: Time to Confront the Misleading Language on Palestine, Israel

It will not be easy to deconstruct the seemingly endless edifice of lies, half-truths, and intentional misrepresentations of Zionist Israeli colonialism in Palestine.