• March 13, 2025
Articles Palestine/Israel

The Story Began Years Ago: Why Israel Banned UNRWA

Israel’s banning of UNRWA should represent an opportunity for those concerned about the standing of the United Nations, to remind Israel that UN members who have no respect for international law deserve to be delegitimized.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Terrorist Organization’? What’s Behind the Israeli War on UNRWA

The Israeli attacks on the UN, all its institutions, but particularly the UN agency responsible for the welfare of Gaza’s refugees (UNRWA), serve a different purpose than that of mere ‘collective punishment’.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Culture of Hope: 2022 and the Margins of Victory in Palestine

2022 was another year of tragedy and hope for the Palestinians. It is this hope, buoyed by numerous little victories, that makes the struggle for Palestinian freedom possible.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Right of Return: Nakba is Back on Palestinian Agenda

And since the Nakba and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of Palestinian refugees are the common denominator behind all Palestinian suffering, the term and its underpinnings are back at center stage of any meaningful conversation on Palestine, as should have always been the case.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Rewriting UNRWA: The US-Israeli Plan to Cancel out the Palestinian Right of Return

If Palestinian refugees are removed from the list of political priorities concerning the future of a just peace in Palestine, neither justice nor peace can possibly be attained.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

‘World Refugee Day’: Palestinians Keep their Right of Return Alive through Hope, Resistance

By Ramzy Baroud The United Nations’ World Refugee Day, observed annually on June 20, should not merely represent a reminder of “the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict and violence.” It should also be an opportunity for the international community to truly […]

'When given the opportunity, the children of Gaza can be the best in the world,' (UNRWA) Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud (Translated): Cruauté et Cynisme : les Raisons de la Guerre des États-Unis et d’Israël contre l’UNRWA

(Translated for ChroniquePalestine.com) En conséquence, l’UNRWA traverse sa pire crise financière. Le déficit dans son budget est estimé à environ 217 millions de dollars et augmente rapidement. En plus des catastrophes à venir qu’entraîneraient la suppression des services et de l’aide humanitaire si nécessaires aux cinq millions de réfugiés enregistrés auprès de l’UNRWA, l’impact de […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud (Translated) – Fine di una Egemonia: l’ONU Deve Riflettere il Mutato Assetto Mondiale

(Traduzione di Leopoldo Salmaso) C’è una spiegazione razionale del perché India e Brasile, due stati molto popolati e con grandi e crescenti economie, non sono membri permanenti del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite (UNSC). Il Consiglio – composto da cinque membri permanenti e dieci a rotazione – fu progettato per riflettere l’ordine mondiale partorito […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Baroud in Al Jazeera – Palestine: Diary on an UNRWA Kid

Maintaining one’s dignity while living a dismal existence in a refugee camp is not an easy feat. My parents fought hard to spare us the daily humiliations that come with living in Nuseirat – Gaza’s largest refugee camp. But when I turned six, and joined the UNRWA-run Nuseirat Elementary School for Boys, there was no […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

‘Race Law’ Takes Jerusalem a Step Closer to Being a Jewish-Only City

By Ramzy Baroud The Israeli government is planning a series of measures aimed at fully denying Palestinians their legal rights in Jerusalem and precluding any future peace settlement based on sharing the city between Israel and a future Palestinian state. One of the most aggressive measures to date is a bill that was approved by […]