• February 22, 2025
Articles Global Affairs

The World ‘Hanging by a Thread’: Stories to Follow in 2022

2022 can be a year of hope and promise. But that is only possible if we play our role as active citizens to bring about the coveted change that we would like to see in the world.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Heroes or Parasites: Europe’s Self-serving Politics on Refugees

While we are busy manipulating language, there are thousands who are stranded at sea and hundreds of thousands languishing in refugee camps worldwide. They are only welcomed if they serve as political capital. Otherwise, they remain a ‘problem’ to be dealt with – violently, if necessary.

Articles Middle East

On Spirituality and Low-Quality Entertainment: Ramadan Accentuates Inequality in the Arab World

Ramadan is the time where the Ummah should, once more, rediscover its identity and collective strength, for the sake of all Muslims; in fact, for the sake of humanity at large.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

A Palestinian Prayer for Ramadan: May the Voices of the Oppressed Be Heard

Perhaps this Ramadan can serve as the opportunity for social justice to be finally enacted and for the oppressed to be heard so that their hymn of torment and hope may rise above the clouds.

Articles Global Affairs

Portugal Leads the Way: How European Countries Fared in Their Treatment of Refugees

Neglecting the refugees while fighting to halt the spread of the coronavirus is as foolish as it is inhumane. The last few months have taught us that provisional and self-centered strategies do not apply in the cases of global healthcare crises.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Death at the Greek Border: Syrian Refugees Should not Be Used as Political Pawns

Syrian refugees deserve respect, rights and safety. Equally important, they should not be used as pawns in a costly and dirty political game in which they have no interest or choice.

Articles Global Affairs

Who Killed Oscar and Valeria: The Inconvenient History of the Refugee Crisis

By Ramzy Baroud History never truly retires. Every event of the past, however inconsequential, reverberates throughout and, to an extent, shapes our present, and our future as well The haunting image of the bodies of Salvadoran father, Oscar Alberto Martinez Ramirez and his daughter, Valeria, who were washed ashore at a riverbank on the Mexico-US border cannot […]

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Moral Travesty of Israel Demanding Arab and Iranian Money for Its Own ‘Nakba’

By Ramzy Baroud The game is afoot. Israel, believe it or not, is demanding that seven Arab countries and Iran should pay $250 billion as compensation for what it claims was the forceful expulsion of Jews from Arab countries during the late 1940s. The events that Israel cites allegedly occurred at a time when Zionist Jewish militias […]

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

From Central America to Syria: the Conspiracy against Refugees

By Ramzy Baroud Watching the ongoing debate between liberal and right-wing pundits on US mainstream media, one rarely gets the impression that Washington is responsible for the unfolding chaotic situation in Central America. In fact, no other country is as accountable as the United States for the ongoing chaos and resulting refugee crisis. So why, […]

Articles Global Affairs

Europe’s Iron Curtain: The Refugee Crisis is about to Worsen

By Ramzy Baroud A recent European Council summit in Brussels was meant to articulate a united policy on the burgeoning refugees and migrant crisis. Instead, it served to highlight the bitter divisions among various European countries. Considering the gravity of the matter, Europe’s self-serving policies are set to worsen an already tragic situation. True, several […]

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Stop the Wars to End the Refugee Crisis

By Ramzy Baroud Europe is facing its most significant refugee crisis since World War Two. All attempts at resolving the issue have failed, mostly because those charged with doing so have ignored the root causes of the problem. Furthermore, on June 11, Italy’s new Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, blocked the Aquarius rescue ship from docking […]

Ramzy Baroud Interviewed by George Galloway: ‘We Are Fighting a Cultural War with Israel’

Palestine Chronicle Editor, Ramzy Baroud appeared on RT’s Sputnik with George Galloway. Click here to watch. Galloway said: “If the Palestinians had a royal family, our guest this week would be a member of it. He’s one of the best-known writers and thinkers in the seemingly intractable conflict over a tiny piece of earth, smaller […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramona Wadi Reviews: The Last Earth. A Palestinian Story

To impart narratives of displacement, it is important to listen to the echoes of such trajectories. Ramzy Baroud’s latest book, The Last Earth: a Palestinian story, propels this dimension immediately to the fore. The reader takes a step back to listen, imagine and realise the immense contradictions, where life is in a constant struggle with death […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Iqbal Siddiqui Reviews: ‘The Last Earth’ by Palestinian-American Writer Ramzy Baroud

Iqbal Siddiqui reviews “The Last Earth” by the Palestinian-American writer Ramzy Baroud, who tells the story of modern Palestine through the memories of those who have lived it. Baroud draws on dozens of interviews to produce vivid and intimate accounts of Palestinian lives – in villages, refugee camps, prisons and cities, in the lands of their […]

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative

Public Lecture: Ramzy Baroud on ‘The Last Earth’ (VIDEO)

Palestinian journalist and historian Ramzy Baroud speaks on his new book The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story. At this critical juncture in Palestine’s history, with Trump’s recent declaration on Jerusalem and the Likud party vote to annex West Bank settlements, Dr. Baroud’s narrative of Palestinian dispossession, resistance, and resilience is important and timely. THE LAST […]

Articles Media

‘The Last Earth’: Flashing for the Refugees on the Unarmed Road of Flight

By Ron Jacobs Every once in a while a book is published wherein the text transcends the subject matter, lifting the stories between the covers into a place that is both revelatory and sublime; a place that renders the words involved to be more than mere representations of the subject matter. Ramzy Baroud’s latest book The […]

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative

Baroud in Al Jazeera: The Palestine Solidarity Movement should Focus on Palestine

Nada Elia holds no punches. A principled activist and an accomplished academic, she writes with honesty and vigor. As I embarked on a worldwide speaking tour, an article she wrote two years ago was present in my mind. Entitled, “No More Mr. Nice Guy: White Male Israeli Activists Exploiting Palestine Solidarity”, the article details a […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Follow Ramzy Baroud World Tour: Palestinian Refugees Have a Voice

A Message from Ramzy Baroud Dear Readers, I am embarking on a world tour that is set to take me to several countries in five continents, starting Feb 20. I am taking advantage of the publishing of my book THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY to shed light on a new take on the history […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Ours is a Liberation Movement: Ramzy Baroud on His New Book, BDS and More

Palestine Chronicle Editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud was interviewed live at Community Forum, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle Radio, on January 6 at 7:30 am. In the interview, the Gaza-born Palestinian author discusses his forthcoming book: ‘THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY‘ and the urgent need to situate Palestinian refugees back at the center of the Palestinian […]

Articles Media Middle East

‘Activism’ and Its Consequences: Syrian Refugees Are Not Subjects for a Social Media Gallery

By Ramzy Baroud  The Italian ‘activist’ was keen on that photo, as if her social media activism career was dependent on it. As if the misery of the poor Syrian child was not palpable enough in his dejected face and his rash-infested skin, she wanted to define a point of absolute misery for a perfect […]