• February 22, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

On Du’a and Action: A Supplication for Gaza, and Humanity

If Gaza has not given up, why should we? Even giving up is a privilege. Gaza does not have that privilege nor should we grant it to ourselves.

Articles Middle East

On Spirituality and Low-Quality Entertainment: Ramadan Accentuates Inequality in the Arab World

Ramadan is the time where the Ummah should, once more, rediscover its identity and collective strength, for the sake of all Muslims; in fact, for the sake of humanity at large.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

A Palestinian Prayer for Ramadan: May the Voices of the Oppressed Be Heard

Perhaps this Ramadan can serve as the opportunity for social justice to be finally enacted and for the oppressed to be heard so that their hymn of torment and hope may rise above the clouds.