• March 3, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Refugees Killing Refugees – Israel’s Recruiting of Africans in Gaza is a New Low

It is incumbent on African governments to take a strong stance so that Israel ceases its practice of using Africans to kill and die in Gaza.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Selective Outrage in Palestine: The Problem is Not Just Smotrich but Zionism

Condemning Smotrich’s comments, while continuing to embrace Israel and celebrate Zionism is not only hypocritical, but also useless.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

A State for Some of Its Citizens: Captured Black Soldier’s Saga Highlights Racism in Israel

While Palestinians are resisting Israel’s military occupation and apartheid, Ethiopian Jews should mount their own resistance for greater rights.

Articles Global Affairs

Is Europe Really More Civilized? Ukraine Conflict a Platform for Racism and Rewriting History

Before bragging about the virtues of Europe, and the demeaning of everyone else, the likes of Arestovych, D’Agata, and Petkov should take a look at themselves in the mirror and reconsider their unsubstantiated ethnocentric view of the world and of history.

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative Videos

‘Hypocrisy Does Not Begin to Describe It’: Baroud on the Ukraine Crisis and the Changing Global Order (VIDEO)

Mark Seddon discusses with Ramzy Baroud the unfolding crisis in Ukraine through the eyes of the Palestinian people.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Politics and Sports Do Mix: On FIFA’s Hypocrisy in Palestine and the Need to Isolate Apartheid Israel

It will not take days, as is the case with Russia and Ukraine, but they will eventually succeed in isolating Israel, for, as it turned out, politics and sports do mix after all.

Articles Global Affairs

The Combating Islamophobia Act: On Hate Crimes and ‘Irrational Fears’

It is time that we stop perceiving ‘Islamophobes’ as people with irrational or, in the mind of some, rational, fear of Muslims – similar to ‘claustrophobia’, ‘arachnophobia’, or ‘agoraphobia’.

Articles Global Affairs

Stadio Olimpico: Can Sports Heal the World?

By the end of the match, as the large crowd – still giddy by the fact that they were able to attend a large sports event despite the deadly COVID-19 pandemic – dispersed, I walked around the Foro Italico, the sports complex which hosts Stadio Olimpico, among other edifices. The contradictions were palpable. 

Articles Global Affairs

Progress or War: On Islamophobia and Europe’s Demographic Shifts

It is time for European countries to understand that their demographics are fundamentally changing, and that such change can, in fact, be beneficial to the health of these nations.

Articles Global Affairs

Kneeling against Racism: Solidarity in EURO 2020 Should Not be ‘Controversial’

Racism is a political disease, like cancerous cells spreading across the body, or body politic of society. It has to be stopped, on and off the field. While taking the knee will not end racism, it is meant to serve as a conversation starter, a moral stance by players and a meaningful gesture of camaraderie and humanity.

Articles Global Affairs

Words Alone Will Not End Anti-Muslim Terror in Canada

Terrorism will not end as a result of pomposity but through real action. Trudeau seems to have much of the former and none of the latter.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Freedom is Never Voluntarily Given’: Palestinian Boycott of Israel is Not Racist, It is Anti-Racist

The boycott movement aims at holding the oppressor accountable as it places a price tag on military occupation and apartheid. Not only is the Palestinian boycott movement not racist, it is essentially a rallying cry against racism and oppression. 

Articles Global Affairs

The Great Divider: COVID-19 Reflects Global Racism, Not Equality

While it is likely that class, race and gender inequalities will continue to ravage human societies after the pandemic, as they did before, it is also possible for governments to use this collective tragedy as an opportunity to bridge the inequality gap, even if just a little, as a starting point to imagine a more equitable future for all of us.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Escalating the Demographic War: The Strategic Goal of Israeli Racism in Palestine

Israeli racism is the core of a sophisticated plan that aims at the political marginalization and economic strangulation of Israel’s Palestinian Arab minority within a constitutional, thus ‘legal’, framework.

Articles Global Affairs

Black Lives Should always Matter: Delinking Social Justice from Seasonal US Politics

Namely, whether Trump clinches another term at the White House or whether Biden stages a major upset next month, the struggle for social justice should carry on, unabated.

Articles Palestine/Israel

‘Let’s Feed a Bedouin’: Roy Oz and Israel’s Outrageous Racism

The truth is, Oz is the actual face of Israel – privileged, entitled, racist and delusional. And the same way Israeli media – which gives the likes of Oz his celebrity status – should be shunned and boycotted, Israel should also be sanctioned and boycotted.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Tearing down the Idols of Colonialism: Why Tunisia, Africa Must Demand French Apology

Tunisia, and many African countries, must demand a French apology. By doing so, they declare ‘loudly and intelligibly’ that they are finally free from the ‘white man’s (selfish and racist) values,’ and that they truly see themselves as equal.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Hating Arabs as a Common Ground: Why Israel’s Coalition Government is Likely to Survive

Knowing of Netanyahu’s anti-Palestinian, anti-peace, and anti-international law long legacy, we should have all the clarity needed to understand that no just peace can possibly be achieved when Netanyahu is still at the helm.

Ramzy Baroud News

VIDEO: Ramzy Baroud on Israeli Racism, Apartheid and the Palestinian Narrative (Part I & II)

This talk, by Palestinian author, journalist and editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud, was scheduled to be delivered in person at the University of Torino, Italy on March 25, during the ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’.

Articles Global Affairs Media

The War on Truth: How Israel’s Social Media Trolls Conquered Facebook

By Ramzy Baroud On October 9, the social media platform, Facebook, deleted the page of the popular Palestinian news website, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC). This act, which was carried out without even contacting the page administrators, confirms that Facebook’s war on pro-Palestine voices is continuing unabated. PIC had nearly five million followers on Facebook, a testament to its […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

On Racism and ‘Wild Beasts’: Why Israel Besieges Palestinians

By Ramzy Baroud The Israeli Apartheid Wall, which is being built largely on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, once more underscores the ugliness of military occupation. As such, it truly epitomizes the nature of Israeli apartheid and also delineates the siege-driven, isolationist mentality that dominates the ruling-class thinking in Israel. Even years before the establishment […]

Articles Global Affairs

Manifestos of Hate: What White Terrorists Have in Common

By Ramzy Baroud Writing under the title of “If the El Paso shooter had been Muslim”, Moustafa Bayoumi stated the obvious. “If the El Paso shooter had been a Muslim,” Bayoumi wrote in the British Guardian newspaper on August 6, US President Donald Trump “would be lobbing accusations such as ‘Islam hates us’ in the direction of […]

Articles Global Affairs

A Common Enemy: Why Israel is Embracing Fascism in Europe

By Ramzy Baroud Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited Israel on 19 July where he met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials. Orban’s visit would have not required much pause except that the Hungarian leader has been repeatedly branded for his often racist, anti-Semitic remarks. So why is Orban wining and dining with the leaders of the […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Ghost of Herut: Einstein on Israel, 70 Years Ago

By Ramzy Baroud Albert Einstein, along with other Jewish luminaries, including Hannah Arendt, published a letter in the New York Times on December 4, 1948. That was only a few months after Israel had declared its independence and as hundreds of Palestinian villages were being actively demolished after their inhabitants were expelled. The letter denounced Israel’s newly-founded […]

Articles Global Affairs

The Trials of Africa and the Real Dr. King They Want Us to Forget

By Ramzy Baroud On January 15, millions of Americans commemorated Martin Luther King’s Day. His famous speech, ‘I Have a Dream’ was repeated numerous times in media outlets as a reminder of the evil of racism, which is being resurrected in a most pronounced way in American society. But that is only one version of […]