• February 22, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Capital of Shatat’ and Palestinian Agony: The Uncomfortable Truth about Ain Al-Hilweh

On July 30, violence in the extremely crowded Palestinian camp resumed, harvesting the lives of 13 people, and counting. Scores more were injured and thousands have fled.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Culture of Hope: 2022 and the Margins of Victory in Palestine

2022 was another year of tragedy and hope for the Palestinians. It is this hope, buoyed by numerous little victories, that makes the struggle for Palestinian freedom possible.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Avenging Sabra and Shatila’: On Israeli Massacres and Palestinian Resistance

While Israel continues to act with impunity, Palestinians also continue to resist. This is not just the lesson of Sabra and Shatila, but the bigger lesson of the Israeli occupation of Palestine as well.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Right of Return: Nakba is Back on Palestinian Agenda

And since the Nakba and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of Palestinian refugees are the common denominator behind all Palestinian suffering, the term and its underpinnings are back at center stage of any meaningful conversation on Palestine, as should have always been the case.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Rewriting UNRWA: The US-Israeli Plan to Cancel out the Palestinian Right of Return

If Palestinian refugees are removed from the list of political priorities concerning the future of a just peace in Palestine, neither justice nor peace can possibly be attained.

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Ramzy Baroud on the Plight of Palestinian Refugees (PODCAST & VIDEO)

In this podcast, Beauchemin and Baroud discuss the chapter, ‘Shit River’, the first chapter in Baroud’s collection, which tells the story of a third generation Palestinian refugee from Yarmouk seeking an escape out of Syria’s civil war.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

‘Blood for Blood’: On Jenin and Israel’s Fear of an Armed Palestinian Rebellion

It is obvious that what is currently taking place in Jenin is indicative of something much larger. Israel knows this, thus the exaggerated violence against the camp.

Articles Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Palestinian Intellectuals Discuss ‘Right of Return’ in a London Conference (VIDEO)

The webinar ‘The Right of Return: 72 Years of Waiting’, featured Huwaida Arraf, Ali Abunimah, Farah Nabulsi, Lubnah Shomali, Najwan Berekdar, and Ramzy Baroud.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

What Does Israel Have against Palestinian Singer, Mohammed Assaf?

Israel’s announcement to bar a Palestinian singer from returning, thus performing to other Palestinians under occupation is, from an Israeli viewpoint, not outrageous at all. It is another attempt at disrupting the natural flow of Palestinian culture, which, despite the loss of Palestine itself, is as strong and as real as it has always been.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Why Israel Fears the Nakba: How memory Became Palestine’s Greatest Weapon

There can never be a just peace in Palestine until the priorities of the Palestinian people – their memories, and their aspirations – become the foundation of any political process between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative Videos

My Beit Daras, My Nakba: Two Palestinian Intellectuals Reminiscing about Their Destroyed Village (VIDEO)

Dr. Ghada Ageel and Dr. Ramzy Baroud have more in common than their scholarly research on Palestinian history and politics. They are both refugees, and the direct descendants of Palestinian refugees who have been expelled from their historic village of Beit Daras at gunpoint during the catastrophic events that led to the Palestinian Nakba of […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

How We Became Refugees: The Day My Grandfather Lost His Village in Palestine

It isn’t easy to construct a history that, only several decades ago, was, along with every standing building of that village, blown to smithereens with the very intent of erasing them from existence.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Arabs, UN Must Move to Swiftly Protect the Status of Palestinian Refugees

Palestinian refugees must not have to choose between forfeiting their legal and unalienable right in their own homeland and accepting a life of perpetual degradation and uncertainty.

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative Videos

‘Last Chapter’ TV Program Discusses Baroud’s ‘Last Earth’ (VIDEO)

Ramzy Baroud’s latest volume, ‘The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story’ is the subject of a lively discussion in this Press TV program, ‘Last Chapter’, involving former British MP, Derek Conway, Human Rights barrister, Salma Karmi-Ayyoub and political analyst and writer, Nasim Ahmed. The Last Earth recounts the experiences of ordinary people who have lost their homes, […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Watch: Ramzy Baroud Live Interview with Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (VIDEO)

Mick Napier talks to Ramzy Baroud about his forthcoming book on Palestinian prisoners, “These Chains Will Be Broken“, and his last book, “The Last Earth“. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian prisoners’ experiences in Israeli jails have rarely been told. Western media portrays them as ‘terrorists’ while well-meaning third-party human rights advocates paint them as hapless […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

‘World Refugee Day’: Palestinians Keep their Right of Return Alive through Hope, Resistance

By Ramzy Baroud The United Nations’ World Refugee Day, observed annually on June 20, should not merely represent a reminder of “the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict and violence.” It should also be an opportunity for the international community to truly […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Palestinian Author Ramzy Baroud Heads to Kenya in Ground-Breaking Tour (VIDEO)

“Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter” is a popular adage within the African decolonial literary movement, and according to Palestinian author, Ramzy Baroud, it accurately describes how the Israeli narrative has dominated the story of the occupation of Palestine. Baroud will be in Nairobi from June 25 to […]

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative

Ramzy’s Baroud Book Tour in Atlanta, GA: ‘Reclaiming the Self’

Friends and Readers in Atlanta, GA I look forward to my speaking tour in your city and having the chance to meet and converse with some of you in person. If you wish to attend any of my talks, please note the information and links below about my forthcoming events starting, January 27: Sunday, January […]

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Moral Travesty of Israel Demanding Arab and Iranian Money for Its Own ‘Nakba’

By Ramzy Baroud The game is afoot. Israel, believe it or not, is demanding that seven Arab countries and Iran should pay $250 billion as compensation for what it claims was the forceful expulsion of Jews from Arab countries during the late 1940s. The events that Israel cites allegedly occurred at a time when Zionist Jewish militias […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Is There a plot to Depopulate Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon?

By Ramzy Baroud An eerie video of a photo of one “Hajj Jamal Ghalaini” with a prayer on a backing track pops up occasionally on Facebook. The voice is that of an allegedly religious sheikh, praying for the well-being of the man in the photo for saving the Palestinian refugee youth of Lebanon by facilitating […]

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative

Ramzy Baroud World Tour Continues: Hawai’i, London, Istanbul, Turin

Dear Readers, I am embarking on the second leg of my world tour that is set to take me to several countries, starting Nov 1. I am taking advantage of the publishing of my book THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY to shed light on a new take on the history of the Palestinian people, […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

That Single Line of Blood: Nassir al-Mosabeh and Mohammed al-Durrah

By Ramzy Baroud As the frail body of 12-year-old Nassir Al-Mosabeh fell to the ground on Friday, September 28, history was repeating itself most tragically. Little Nassir was not just another number, a ‘martyr’ to be exalted by equally poor refugees in Gaza, or vilified by Israel and its tireless hasbara machine. He was much […]

'When given the opportunity, the children of Gaza can be the best in the world,' (UNRWA) Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud (Translated): Cruauté et Cynisme : les Raisons de la Guerre des États-Unis et d’Israël contre l’UNRWA

(Translated for ChroniquePalestine.com) En conséquence, l’UNRWA traverse sa pire crise financière. Le déficit dans son budget est estimé à environ 217 millions de dollars et augmente rapidement. En plus des catastrophes à venir qu’entraîneraient la suppression des services et de l’aide humanitaire si nécessaires aux cinq millions de réfugiés enregistrés auprès de l’UNRWA, l’impact de […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Latest US-Israel Attack on Palestinian Refugees Will Prove Futile

By Ramzy Baroud The US government’s decision to slash funds provided to the UN agency that cares for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, is part of a new American-Israeli strategy aimed at redefining the rules of the game altogether. As a result, UNRWA is experiencing its worst financial crisis. The gap in its budget is estimated at […]

Articles Palestine/Israel Reclaiming the Narrative

The Last Earth: a Palestinian Story – Book Review (VIDEO)

By Jim Miles (Ramzy Baroud. The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story. London: Pluto Press, 2018. Order it now) The Last Earth is a masterful weaving of personal stories into the full tapestry of a people, of individuals, torn from their homes and homeland.  It is the kind of history not bound up in sequential dates, political […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Baroud in Al Jazeera – Palestine: Diary on an UNRWA Kid

Maintaining one’s dignity while living a dismal existence in a refugee camp is not an easy feat. My parents fought hard to spare us the daily humiliations that come with living in Nuseirat – Gaza’s largest refugee camp. But when I turned six, and joined the UNRWA-run Nuseirat Elementary School for Boys, there was no […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

My Home is Beit Daras: our Lingering Nakba

By Ramzy Baroud When Google Earth was launched in 2001, I rushed immediately to locate a village that no longer exists on a map, which now delineates a whole different reality. Although I was born and raised in a Gaza refugee camp, and then moved to and lived in the United States, finding a village […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud, Al Jazeera: My Palestinian Right of Return is Sacred

This is the story of four Palestinian peasants who have been dead and buried for many years, but whose legacy continues to define the collective aspirations of a whole nation. It is also the story of a village that was erased from existence 70 years ago. The peasants are my grandparents, and the village of […]