• January 23, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

The Boomerang Effect: How Netanyahu Made Israel an American Issue, and Lost

By Ramzy Baroud Despite massive sums of money spent to channel public opinion in the United States in favor of Israel, unmistakable trends in opinion polls are attesting to the changing dynamics of Israel’s support among ordinary Americans. Not only is Israel losing its support and overall appeal among large sections of American society, but […]

Ramzy Baroud News

‘We Just Kept Walking’: Artistic Depiction of Palestinian Displacement

By Ramona Wadi “We just kept walking”. To listen to a statement repeated with both assertion and vagueness imparts a sudden realization of walking through terrain which bore lacerations of its own. The displacement enforced upon Palestinians during the Nakba is depicted from afar in this watercolor painting, with the intent to portray the contradictory […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Foreign Policy for Sale: Greece’s Dangerous Alliance with Israel

By Ramzy Baroud For a brief historical moment, Alexis Tsipras and his political party, Syriza, ignited hope that Greece could resurrect a long-dormant Leftist tide in Europe. A new Greece was being born out of the pangs of pain of economic austerity, imposed by the European Union and its overpowering economic institutions – a troika […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

In Words and Deeds: The Genesis of Israeli Violence

By Ramzy Baroud Not a day passes without a prominent Israeli politician or intellectual making an outrageous statement against Palestinians. Many of these statements tend to garner little attention or evoke rightly deserved outrage. Just recently, Israel’s Minister of Agriculture, Uri Ariel, called for more death and injuries on Palestinians in Gaza. “What is this […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Follow Ramzy Baroud World Tour: Palestinian Refugees Have a Voice

A Message from Ramzy Baroud Dear Readers, I am embarking on a world tour that is set to take me to several countries in five continents, starting Feb 20. I am taking advantage of the publishing of my book THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY to shed light on a new take on the history […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Ours is a Liberation Movement: Ramzy Baroud on His New Book, BDS and More

Palestine Chronicle Editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud was interviewed live at Community Forum, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle Radio, on January 6 at 7:30 am. In the interview, the Gaza-born Palestinian author discusses his forthcoming book: ‘THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY‘ and the urgent need to situate Palestinian refugees back at the center of the Palestinian […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

‘Race Law’ Takes Jerusalem a Step Closer to Being a Jewish-Only City

By Ramzy Baroud The Israeli government is planning a series of measures aimed at fully denying Palestinians their legal rights in Jerusalem and precluding any future peace settlement based on sharing the city between Israel and a future Palestinian state. One of the most aggressive measures to date is a bill that was approved by […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Year in Review: Will 2018 Usher in a New Palestinian Strategy?

By Ramzy Baroud 2017 will be remembered as the year that the so-called ‘peace process’, at least in its American formulation, has ended. And with its demise, a political framework that has served as the foundation for US foreign policy in the Middle East has also collapsed. The Palestinian leadership and its Arab and international […]

Articles Ramzy Baroud News

‘Hands Off Jerusalem’: Ramzy Baroud’s Speech in Seattle (VIDEO)

Palestinian author, journalist and Palestine Chronicle Editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud delivered a speech at the ‘Hands Off Jerusalem’ rally downtown Seattle, Washington on December 16. Below is the video and the full text of his speech. My speech at the Hands Off Jerusalem protest downtown Seattle today.Learn more: https://www.ramzybaroud.net/the-last-earth-a-palestinian-story/ Posted by Ramzy Baroud on Saturday, […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Palestine: It Is Time for a New Beginning

By Ramzy Baroud Now that the American mask has completely fallen, Palestinians require an urgent rethink in their own political priorities, alliances and national liberation strategy. Business should not go on as usual after US President Donald Trump accepted Israel’s definition of Jerusalem as its capital, thus violating the overwhelming international consensus on the matter. […]


The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story

Now Available for Orders: Product details Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Pluto Press (20 Feb. 2018) ISBN-10: 0745337996 ISBN-13: 978-0745337999 Ron Jacobs (CounterPunch): “Baroud’s compositions are works of sheer unequivocal beauty. It is a beauty that is wrenched from a personal and collective tragedy so profound any reader but the one without a soul cannot help […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

For Palestinians, Zionism only Means One Thing

By Ramzy Baroud On 12 December, the British government officially adopted a new definition of anti-Semitism that includes legitimate criticism of Israel. The definition was adopted earlier in the year by pro-Israeli group IHRA, although it was considered but abandoned by the European anti-racism agency in 2005. It is a rather dangerous move which will […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Hold Your Applause, Fatah, the Palestinian Body Politic is Rotten to the Core

By Ramzy Baroud In July 2003, the then Palestinian Authority Chairman, Yasser Arafat, described Mahmoud Abbas as a “traitor” who “betrayed the interests of the Palestinian People.” Arafat loathed Abbas to the very end. This particular outburst was made during a meeting with United Nations envoy Terje Larsen. The meeting took place a few months after […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Infamy of the Palestinian Elites: An Imminent Split within Fatah?

By Ramzy Baroud The Fatah movement is involved in a massive tug-of-war that will ultimately define its future. Though the conflict is between current Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and once Gaza strongman Mohammed Dahlan is in no way motivated by ending the Israeli occupation, their war will likely determine the future political landscape of […]


ഗാസ: പറഞ്ഞു തീരാത്ത കഥകൾ (Malayalam Edition)

Order Your Copy from the Publisher: Other Books Gaza : paranhu Theeratha Kathakal, a translation of Ramzy Baroud’s My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story, is the fifth book in our series of books on Palestine. An important, yet engrossing, book that chronicles the persisting ordeals of the people of Palestine. It is […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Shimon Peres, An Israeli Brand without Substance

By Ramzy Baroud Former Israeli Prime Minister and President, Shimon Peres, was a very successful brand. He was presented to the world as stately, wise, a relentless advocate of peace, and a sane voice amidst a conflict deemed senseless and unending. Now that he is dead at 93, international media are rife with touching tributes […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Ban Ki-moon’s Legacy in Palestine: Failure in Words and Deeds

By Ramzy Baroud Ban Ki-moon’s second term as UN secretary-general is ending this December, he was the most ideal man for the job as far as the United States and its allies are concerned. Of course, there will always be other Ban Ki-moons. In fact, the man himself was a modified version of his predecessor, […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

The Native American, the Palestinian: A Spirited Fight for Justice

By Ramzy Baroud Thousands of Native Americans resurrected the fighting spirit of their forefathers as they stood in unprecedented unity to contest an oil company’s desecration of their sacred land in North Dakota. Considering its burdened historical context, this has been one of the most moving events in recent memory. The standoff, involving 5,000-strong Native […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Is Israel Pushing for a Palestinian Civil War?

By Ramzy Baroud  Division within Palestinian society has reached unprecedented levels, becoming a major hurdle on the path of any unified strategy to end Israel’s violent occupation or to rally Palestinians behind a single objective. Newly-appointed Israeli ultra-nationalist Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman understands this too well. His tactic since his ascension to office last May is centered […]

La guerre d’Israël contre les ONGs prend un tour très inquiétant

Ramzy Baroud – “Tu mérites de voir souffrir et mourir tes proches et ceux que tu aimes. Mais peut-être seras-tu frappé avant eux,” était une partie du message de menace reçu par un membre de l’équipe de direction d’Al-Mezan, une organisation de défense des droits de l’homme, basée à Gaza. Al-Mezan, avec trois autres organisations […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Lieberman’s War on Everything Palestinian – and Why He Will Fail

By Ramzy Baroud  Division within Palestinian society has reached unprecedented levels, becoming a major hurdle in the path of any unified strategy to end Israel’s violent occupation, or to rally Palestinians behind a single objective. Newly-appointed Israeli ultranationalist Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman understands this too well. His tactic since his ascension to office last May […]

Ramzy Baroud : « La Palestine reste la question centrale au Moyen-Orient »

Une interview de Ramzy Baroud – Notre entretien aujourd’hui porte sur la situation en Palestine, les conflits qui font rage au Moyen-Orient et le rôle du mouvement international de solidarité. Info-Palestine : L’interventionnisme occidental au Moyen-Orient au cours des 25 dernières années s’est avéré particulièrement destructeur, en commençant par la première guerre contre l’Irak en […]

Articles Media Middle East

‘Activism’ and Its Consequences: Syrian Refugees Are Not Subjects for a Social Media Gallery

By Ramzy Baroud  The Italian ‘activist’ was keen on that photo, as if her social media activism career was dependent on it. As if the misery of the poor Syrian child was not palpable enough in his dejected face and his rash-infested skin, she wanted to define a point of absolute misery for a perfect […]


My Father Was a Freedom Fighter (Korean Edition)

Available from Sansuya publishers, South Korea.


İkinci Filistin İntifadası (Turkish Edition)

İkinci Filistin İntifadası Kategori: Roman Yazar: Ramzy Baroud (Çeviren: Zeynep Ulus Şengel) Üretici: Sitare Yayınları To order the book, click here.


La deuxième intifada palestinienne : Chronique d’un soulèvement populaire

« […] Ce livre se veut un moyen de construire une position palestinienne indépendante, sans aucune allégeance vis‑à‑vis d’aucun parti politique ou individu, ni aucune organisation officielle. En cela, il se veut simplement une tentative de se référer aux mêmes principes que ceux des innombrables réfugiés vivant dans des camps confinés et surpeuplés où avec fierté […]


Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion

A searing testament to Israeli brutality and Palestinian resilience, spirit, and grace under pressure. Why is it that the US, Israel, the UN, and every news organization on earth has expressed their views on the Jenin invasion yet the Palestinian victims have never been allowed to speak? Searching Jenin explains what happened and how it […]


My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story

Baroud’s vivid and honest account reveals the complex human beings; revolutionaries, great moms and dads, lovers, and comedians that make Gaza so much more than just a disputed territory. ISBN: 9780745328812 Extent: 232pp Release Date: 09 Dec 2009 Size: 230mm x 150mm Format: Paperback Order from the publisher – Pluto Press. Order from Amazon.   […]