Indeed, it is now time to turn words into actions, especially when thousands of children are being killed for no fault of their own but for being born Palestinian.
All of this – the language of genocide, the genocide itself and the threats of committing a greater genocide – is rooted in Zionism.
It is interesting how the colonizers and the colonized continue to build relations and solidarity around the same old principles. The Global South is, again, rising in solidarity with the Palestinians, while the North, with a few exceptions, continues to support Israeli oppression.
If Borrell truly wishes to develop a political backbone, he should fully back international law, and advocate for the use of the EU’s massive economic leverage to put pressure on Israel to end its war and military occupation of Palestine.
This genocidal war continues to create opportunities for religious Zionism to acquire new followers, and to lay deeper roots within Israel’s political establishment.
He stood firmly on the side of oppressed people, spoke strongly against the injustices meted out by the powerful, and uncompromisingly defended free speech whenever it is threatened.
By Ramzy Baroud Law number one in the ‘law of holes’, is that “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Law number two, “if you are not digging, you are still in a hole”. These adages sum up Israel’s ongoing political, military and strategic crises, 100 days following the start of the war […]
Not only is Israel now assuming the role of the mass killer but the rest of the Western world continues to play the role assigned to them in this historical tragedia.
Netanyahu must be restrained. If not, the Israeli genocide in Gaza will multiply into other genocides throughout the Middle East.
“In the end, love will return in a different way,” Kafka wrote. He is right. But hate, too, tends to return as well, manifesting itself in myriad ways.
While Israel is determined to end Palestinian Resistance, the Palestinian people’s determination to win their freedom is far greater.
A poem to Gaza’s little angels – in heaven, and here on earth.
Time will tell whether Russia will be able to stake a claim and help define a new Middle East in the post-Gaza war.
For this vicious cycle to break, Palestine must, once more, become an issue that concerns all Arabs, the whole region.
What is crystal clear is that the fundamental relationship between the Israeli occupation and occupied Palestinians after October 7, 2023, is likely to be altered, and permanently so.
Unlike the previous two prime ministers, Bennett and Lapid, Netanyahu was keen on maintaining a degree of neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine war and the resulting global conflict.
n an interview organized through the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Jews for Palestine-Ireland, Ramzy Baroud spoke about his work in establishing the Palestine Chronicle news network which he was determined would give a voice to ordinary Palestinians.
Palestinians need China, as they need other powerful players in the Global South, but it is not mediation that they desperately require.
«Nella migliore tradizione della storia dei popoli, questi testi sensibili, dolorosi ed evocativi mostrano il lato umano della dolorosa saga del tormento palestinese, nonché dell’eccezionale resilienza e coraggio delle vittime.» Noam Chomsky
To live up to Israel’s expectations and to ensure its survival, the PA is willing to clash directly with Palestinians who refuse to toe the line.
Palestinian journalist, author, and Editor of the Palestine Chronicle was a guest on the popular YouTube channel, Redacted.
The next Intifada in Palestine will be armed, non-factional, and popular, with consequences that are too difficult to gauge.
Time will tell what direction Washington will take in the future. But, considering the current evidence, support for Israel is dwindling at rates that are unprecedented.
It is the unity of those resisting on the ground, from Gaza to Nablus, and from Jenin to Sheikh Jarrah, that matters most.
On Sunday, April 23, I completed the Madrid International Marathon. It was my 14th overall full marathon. It was not an easy feat.
There is no denying that the road ahead is long and arduous. It will certainly have its twists, turns and, yes, occasional setbacks. But this is the nature of national liberation struggles.
For Palestinians, the Nakba is not a single date. It is the whole story, the conclusion of which will be written, this time, by the Palestinians themselves.
Though Palestinians do not see themselves fighting a religious war, protecting their religious symbols stands at the core of their larger fight for freedom, justice and equality.
The phrase ‘fake news’ continues to be deployed routinely in US politics. In a polarized political atmosphere, both Republicans and Democrats distrust media organizations affiliated with opposing parties.
As hundreds of thousands, throughout Israel, joined anti-government protests, questions began to arise regarding how this movement would affect, or possibly merge, into the wider struggle against the Israeli military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.