• March 29, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Who Said BDS Has ‘Already Failed’?: European Cities Boycott Apartheid Israel

There is no denying that the road ahead is long and arduous. It will certainly have its twists, turns and, yes, occasional setbacks. But this is the nature of national liberation struggles.

Articles Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News

Anadolu: Palestine Needs ‘New Vision for Liberation’ as Israel Bombs Gaza

Speaking to Anadolu Agency in Istanbul, where he was attending a closed-door discussion on the Palestinian liberation struggle, Baroud said ‘there’s always this need that we need to go beyond the stale discourse on Palestine.’

Articles Palestine/Israel

Palestine’s New Resistance Model: How the Last Year Redefined the Struggle for Palestinian Freedom

Considering that the new resistance is centered around homegrown, grassroots, community-oriented movements, it has far greater chances of success than previous attempts.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Right of Return: Nakba is Back on Palestinian Agenda

And since the Nakba and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of Palestinian refugees are the common denominator behind all Palestinian suffering, the term and its underpinnings are back at center stage of any meaningful conversation on Palestine, as should have always been the case.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Fumbling King of Palestine: Palestinians are Defeating the Oslo Culture

Neither Washington, Tel Aviv, nor Mahmoud Abbas’ PA can possibly resuscitate the past and the miserable culture that Oslo has imposed on the Palestinian people. Only Palestinians can lead this transition for a better future, that of national unity, political clarity and, ultimately, freedom.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Covid-19 under Apartheid: How Israel Manipulates Suffering of Palestinians

Long after the deadly pandemic is contained, the tragedy of occupied Palestine will, sadly, continue unhindered, until the day that Israel is forced to end its military occupation of Palestine and the Palestinians.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Long Live the (Dead) Peace Process’: Abbas Prioritizes US Ties over Palestinian National Unity

Although the ‘peace process’ has been declared ‘dead’ on multiple occasions, Abbas is now desperately trying to revive it, not because he – or any rational Palestinian – believes that peace is at hand, but because of the existential relationship between the PA and this US-sponsored political scheme.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Playing for Time’: The Non-strategy of Mahmoud Abbas

To be deserving of such a title, the Palestinian leadership must wean itself off its total dependence on US validation and handouts. Judging by many years of blind and unconditional US support of Israel, no matter which party claims the White House, Washington will remain committed to Israel, funding its occupation and defending it at every turn.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Political Ambiguity or a Doomsday Weapon: Why Abbas Abandoned Oslo

What Mahmoud Abbas is hoping to achieve, with his latest theatrics, is the establishment of a new political game, one that is based on political ambiguity, so that he is not entirely abandoned by his Western backers, or finally shunned as a collaborator by his own people.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Bassam Shakaa: The Making of a Palestinian ‘Organic Intellectual’

By Ramzy Baroud It would be unfair to claim that Palestine has not produced great leaders. It has, and Bassam Shakaa, the former Mayor of Nablus, who passed away on 22 July at the age of 89, was living proof of this. The supposed deficit in good Palestinian leadership can be attributed to the fact […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

The Book of Palestine: National Liberation Vs Endless Negotiations

By Ramzy Baroud Those who are still hoping that the new American agenda on Palestine and Israel is temporary, or reversible, should abandon this false hope. Washington’s complete adoption of Israel’s messianic, extremist policies regarding Occupied Palestine has been a long time in the making. And it is here to stay. Despite the unmistakable clarity […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Veiled Danger of the ‘Dead’ Oslo Accords

By Ramzy Baroud Yossi Beilin is back. This unrepentant Israeli ‘peacemaker’ is like the mythical phoenix, continually resurrecting from its ashes. In a recent article in Al-Monitor, Beilin wrote in support of the idea of a confederation between Israel and Palestine. A confederation “could prevent the need to evacuate settlers and allow those interested to live in […]