In a recent interview, Dr. Baroud emphasized that Trump holds no real leverage over the Palestinian people.
Social media censorship is a global phenomenon, but the war on pro-Palestinian views on social media represents a different kind of censorship, with consequences that can only be described as dire.
As Gaza continues to resist the injustice of the Israeli military occupation and war, the rest of us, concerned about truth, accuracy in reporting and justice for all, should also challenge this model of poor, biased journalism.
He stood firmly on the side of oppressed people, spoke strongly against the injustices meted out by the powerful, and uncompromisingly defended free speech whenever it is threatened.
The political discourse emanating from West Africa, although largely inaccessible, speaks of a collective desire for a paradigm shift.
The Musk vs. Zuckerberg’s fight does, in fact, matter. Not for anything related to two of the richest men in the world. It is relevant for us, because it is intended to be our circus.
n an interview organized through the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Jews for Palestine-Ireland, Ramzy Baroud spoke about his work in establishing the Palestine Chronicle news network which he was determined would give a voice to ordinary Palestinians.
Palestinian journalist, author, and Editor of the Palestine Chronicle was a guest on the popular YouTube channel, Redacted.
The phrase ‘fake news’ continues to be deployed routinely in US politics. In a polarized political atmosphere, both Republicans and Democrats distrust media organizations affiliated with opposing parties.
It is time to break away from the old way of thinking that saw the Palestinian as incapable of narrating, or of being a liability on his/her own story.
‘We Are Not Numbers’ director, Ahmed Alnaouq, and West Bank-based journalist, Fahya Shalash join Romana Rubeo and Ramzy Baroud in this critical and exciting conversation on Palestine in the media.
While US and western mainstream and corporate media remain biased in favor of Israel, they often behave as if they are a third, neutral party. This is simply not the case.
But for the Palestinian narrative to be truly relevant, Palestinians must indeed assume the role of the Gramscian intellectual, as “purveyors of consciousnesses” and abandon the role of the ‘victim intellectual’ altogether.
While an alternative understanding of the devastating war in Ukraine is disallowed, the West continues to offer no serious answers or achievable goals, leaving Ukraine devastated and the root causes of the problem in place.
Mark Seddon discusses with Ramzy Baroud the unfolding crisis in Ukraine through the eyes of the Palestinian people.
Such fluctuations will unlikely change the narrative of the determined Chinese rise as a global power, or that of the unmistakable western decline. The sooner we acknowledge this reality, the better.
Israel is now at a crossroads. It can only win back the support of US Jews if it behaves in such a way that is consistent with their moral frame of reference. Hence, it would have to end its military occupation, dismantle its apartheid regime and reverse its racist laws.
No amount of Israeli propaganda and smear campaigns can turn the tide back in favor of Israel. While it may be too early to speak of a major paradigm shift, it is certainly no longer far-fetched to imagine that such a possibility is finally at hand.
Israel targets the international media “because the battle for the truth is so critical and crucial at this stage,” Palestinian journalist and editor of The Palestine Chronicle Ramzy Baroud said Thursday.
In this wide-ranging interview with Palestine Deep Dive, Palestinian academic, author and journalist Ramzy Baroud speaks about Maher al-Akhras, Palestinian prisoners, the Palestinian narrative and the challenge of overcoming media bias.
Palestine Chronicle Editor, Ramzy Baroud chats with several young journalists and writers from the organization.
The hope is that the growing pro-Palestinian tide, predicated on respect for international law and human rights, will eventually prevail in order to sever the Canada-Israel rapport permanently, and allow Canada to earn its place as a global leader.
Aludaini was there during the entire ordeal, reporting on the dead and the wounded, consoling bereaved families, and also taking part in an historic moment when all of Gaza rose and united behind a single chant of freedom.
By Ramzy Baroud It is hardly surprising to see Middle Eastern countries at the bottom of the World Press Freedom Index, as the worst violators of freedom of the press. But equally alarming is the complete polarization of public opinion as a result of self-serving media and, bankrolled by rich Arab countries, whose only goal is […]
By Ramzy Baroud An Israeli attack on Gaza was imminent, and not because of any provocations by Palestinian groups in the besieged, impoverished Gaza Strip. The Israeli military escalation was foreseeable because it factors neatly in Israel’s contentious political scene. The war was not a question of “if”, but “when”. The answer came on November 12, when […]
By Ramzy Baroud On October 9, the social media platform, Facebook, deleted the page of the popular Palestinian news website, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC). This act, which was carried out without even contacting the page administrators, confirms that Facebook’s war on pro-Palestine voices is continuing unabated. PIC had nearly five million followers on Facebook, a testament to its […]
By Ramzy Baroud The term ‘media bias’ does not do justice to the western corporate media’s relationship with Israel and Palestine. The relationship is, indeed, far more profound than mere partiality. It is not ignorance, either. It is a calculated and long-term campaign, aimed at guarding Israel and demonizing Palestinians. The current disgraceful coverage of […]
Palestine Chronicle Editor, Ramzy Baroud appeared on RT’s Sputnik with George Galloway. Click here to watch. Galloway said: “If the Palestinians had a royal family, our guest this week would be a member of it. He’s one of the best-known writers and thinkers in the seemingly intractable conflict over a tiny piece of earth, smaller […]
By Ramzy Baroud Within hours after Akayed Ullah, a Bangladeshi immigrant, allegedly detonated a pipe bomb in New York City on December 11, severely injuring himself and wounding four others, a most comprehensive official and media narrative emerged. The formulation of the narrative concerning Ullah’s motives, radicalization and assumed hate for the US was so […]
Une interview de Ramzy Baroud – Notre entretien aujourd’hui porte sur la situation en Palestine, les conflits qui font rage au Moyen-Orient et le rôle du mouvement international de solidarité. Info-Palestine : L’interventionnisme occidental au Moyen-Orient au cours des 25 dernières années s’est avéré particulièrement destructeur, en commençant par la première guerre contre l’Irak en […]