• March 1, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Justice at Last? ‘Panic’ in Israel as the ICC Takes ‘Momentous Step’ in the Right Direction

By Ramzy Baroud At long last, Fatou Bensouda, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has uttered the long-anticipated conclusion that “all the statutory criteria under the Rome statute for the opening of an investigation (into alleged war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories) have been met”. Bensouda’s verdict has been in the […]

Articles Media Middle East Palestine/Israel

Money, Power and Turf: Winning the Middle East Media War at Any Cost

By Ramzy Baroud It is hardly surprising to see Middle Eastern countries at the bottom of the World Press Freedom Index, as the worst violators of freedom of the press. But equally alarming is the complete polarization of public opinion as a result of self-serving media and, bankrolled by rich Arab countries, whose only goal is […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Humanity Denied: What Is Missing from the Omar, Tlaib Story

By Ramzy Baroud Israel’s decision to bar two United States Democratic Representatives, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, from entering Israel and visiting Palestine has further exposed the belligerent, racist nature of the Israeli government. But our understanding of the Israeli decision and the massive controversy and discussion it generated should not stop there. Palestinians, who have been at the […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Israel’s War on Innocence: Palestinian Children in Israeli Military Courts

By Ramzy Baroud On July 29, 4-year-old Muhammad Rabi’ Elayyan was reportedly summoned for interrogation by the Israeli police in occupied Jerusalem. The news, originally reported by the official Palestinian news agency, WAFA, was later denied by the Israeli police, more than likely in an attempt to lessen the impact of the PR disaster that followed. The Israelis are not […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Killing Tariq: Why We Must Rethink the Roots of Jewish Settlers Violence

By Ramzy Baroud Seven-year-old Tariq Zabania from Al-Khalil (Hebron) was killed on the spot when an Israeli Jewish settler ran his car over him on July 15. Little Tariq’s photograph, lying face down on the road, was circulated on social media. His untimely death is heartbreaking. Tariq’s innocent blood must not go in vain. For this to […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Facing the Facts: Israel Cannot Escape ICC Jurisdiction

By Ramzy Baroud The Chief Military Advocate General of the Israeli army, Sharon Afek, and the US Department of Defense General Counsel, Paul Ney, shared a platform at the ‘International Conference on the Law of Armed Conflict’, which took place in Herzliya, Israel between May 28-30. Their panel witnessed some of the most misconstrued interpretations of international […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

That Single Line of Blood: Nassir al-Mosabeh and Mohammed al-Durrah

By Ramzy Baroud As the frail body of 12-year-old Nassir Al-Mosabeh fell to the ground on Friday, September 28, history was repeating itself most tragically. Little Nassir was not just another number, a ‘martyr’ to be exalted by equally poor refugees in Gaza, or vilified by Israel and its tireless hasbara machine. He was much […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Why Israel Demolishes: Khan Al-Ahmar as Representation of Greater Genocide

By Ramzy Baroud Like vultures, Israeli soldiers descended on Khan Al-Ahmar, on Sep. 14, recreating a menacing scene with which the residents of this small Palestinian village, located East of Jerusalem, are all-too-familiar. The strategic location of Khan Al-Ahmar makes the story behind the imminent Israeli demolition of the peaceful village unique amid the ongoing […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud (Translated): Ahed Tamimi e la Forza delle Donne Palestinesi

Lamia, Reem, Shaima e Dwlat sono donne palestinesi forti proprio come Ahed, ma le loro storie sono state ignorate. Ahed Tamimi, la diciassettenne militante palestinese del villaggio di Nabi Saleh in Cisgiordania, è un’icona di una giovane generazione ribelle di palestinesi che ha dimostrato di non tollerare le continue violazioni israeliane dei loro diritti e […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud (Translated) – Cuando la Enfermedad es una Sentencia de Muerte: La Victimización de las Mujeres de Gaza

Hanan al-Khoudari recurrió a Facebook como grito de ayuda cuando las autoridades israelíes rechazaron su petición de permitirle acompañar a su hijo de tres años, Louay, a su sesión de quimioterapia en Jerusalén Este. El niño sufre de un ‘sarcoma agresivo en el tejido blando’. Las autoridades israelíes justificaron su decisión basándose en la vaga […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

When Illness Is a ‘Death Sentence’: The Victimization of Gaza Women

By Ramzy Baroud Hanan al-Khoudari resorted to Facebook in a cry for help when Israeli authorities rejected her request to accompany her three-year-old son, Louay, to his chemotherapy treatment in East Jerusalem. The boy is suffering from an ‘aggressive soft tissue sarcoma’. Israeli authorities then justified their decision based on a vague claim that one […]

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

Mission Accomplished: Why Solidarity Boats to Gaza Succeed despite Failing to Break the Siege

By Ramzy Baroud When Mike Treen, the national director of the Unite Union in New Zealand, arrived at the airport in the capital, Auckland, on 1 August, a group of people was anxiously waiting for him at the terminal with Palestinian flags and flowers. They hugged him, chanted for Palestinian freedom and performed the customary native […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Jewish Nation-State Law: Why Israel Was Never a Democracy

By Ramzy Baroud The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as “the death of our democracy.” Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy? 70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

The International Community Should Not Stand by as Israel Abuses Palestinians

By Ramzy Baroud What is taking place in Palestine is not a ‘conflict’.  We readily utilize the term but, in fact, the word ‘conflict’ is misleading. It equates oppressed Palestinians with Israel, a military power that stands in violation of numerous United Nations Resolutions. It is these ambiguous terminologies that allow the likes of United […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Palestine is Not occupied, It is Colonized

By Ramzy Baroud June 5, 2018, marks the 51st anniversary of the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. But, unlike the massive popular mobilization that preceded the anniversary of the Nakba – the catastrophic destruction of Palestine in 1948 – on 15 May the anniversary of the occupation is hardly generating equal mobilization. The unsurprising death of the ‘peace […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Israel’s Premature Celebration: Gazans have Crossed the Fear Barrier

By Ramzy Baroud 60 Palestinians were killed in Gaza on May 15, simply for protesting and demanding their Right of Return as guaranteed by international law. 50 more were killed since March 30, the start of the ‘Great March of Return’, which marks Land Day. Nearly 10,000 have been wounded and maimed in between these […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Will Israeli Policies Change if Netanyahu Leaves Office?

By Ramzy Baroud If scandal-plagued Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, exits his country’s political scene today, who is likely to replace him? And what does this mean as far as Israel’s Occupation of Palestine is concerned? Netanyahu, who is currently being charged with multiple cases of corruption, misuse of government funds and public office, has, […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Ahed’s Generation: Why the Youth in Palestine Must Break Free from Dual Oppression

By Ramzy Baroud As global voices continue to demand the freedom of 17-year-old teenage Palestinian girl, Ahed Tamimi, Israeli authorities have arrested nine additional members of her family. Those who were detained on February 26 include Ahed’s 15-year-old cousin, Mohammed Tamimi. Israeli troops had shot Mohammed in the head last December, shattering his skull. The teenager, who is […]