• February 23, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

Israel Destroyed Gaza ‘for Generations to Come’ and the World Stayed Silent

It is baffling that the very Western countries, which speak tirelessly about environmental protection, preservation, and warning against carbon emissions, are the same entities that helped sustain the war on Gaza.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

A Nation in Denial: Rebranding Old Fantasies Will Not Save Israel

Since this crowd is motivated by extremist religious ideologies, they are unable to abide by any form of rational thinking, even that emanating from well-regarded Zionist figures inside Israel itself.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

End of an Era: What the Shifting Discourse on Palestine Teaches Us about the Future of Israel

Israel now stands in near-complete isolation, due, in part, to its genocide in Gaza but also to the courage and steadfastness of the Palestinian people, and to the global solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

End of Complicity: Time to Translate Words into Actions in Gaza

Indeed, it is now time to turn words into actions, especially when thousands of children are being killed for no fault of their own but for being born Palestinian.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Not On Our Dime!’: Why US Democrats Are Growingly Challenging Israel

Time will tell what direction Washington will take in the future. But, considering the current evidence, support for Israel is dwindling at rates that are unprecedented. 

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘America is Not a Racist Country’: How Nikki Haley Became Israel’s Candidate for the White House

Tel Aviv is simply rewarding Haley’s many favors, knowing that, regardless of her exact position in government, Haley will always continue to prioritize Israel’s interests in her political agenda, and, if needed, even ahead of her own country’s.

Articles Global Affairs

The Other Russia-West War: Why Some African Countries are Abandoning Paris, Joining Moscow

France’s military and foreign policy shift in Africa, however, was not compelled by strategy or vision, but by changing realities over which France has little control.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

From Ally to Enemy: Australia Hammers Final Nail in US ‘Deal of the Century’

In the final analysis, it has become clear that the ‘Deal of the Century’ was not an irreversible historical event, but an opportunistic and thoughtless political process that lacked a deep understanding of history and the political balances that continue to control the Middle East.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Hidden Motives: Why Lapid is Not Serious about a Palestinian State

The talk of a Palestinian state is, therefore, meant to give whomever is to follow Abbas, political leverage that would allow him to stave off an armed revolt and take Palestinians into another futile hunt in search of another political mirage. 

Articles Global Affairs

‘Well of Solutions’ or Problems: Why Reforming the UN is Critical

However, for a reformed UN to serve a noble mission and to live up to its lofty promises, the new power distribution should allocate places for all, regardless of military power or economic might.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Will the United Nations Finally Deliver Justice for Palestine?

Will the UN’s current power paradigm allow it to finally correct this historic ‘misstep’ by providing Palestinians with the long-delayed justice and freedom?

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Weathering the Global Storm: Why Neutrality is Not an Option for Palestinians

Common sense dictates that Palestinians must develop a unified front to cope with the massive changes underway in the world, changes that will eventually yield a whole new geopolitical reality.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

On Palestine’s Everyday Victories: Why Israel is No Longer the Exception

Israel is not the exception, and like other colonial, apartheid regimes, it will eventually collapse, paving the way for a possible future where Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews can coexist as equals.

Articles Global Affairs

Biden’s Real Challenge is Not Russia or China, but Poverty in America

They continue to speak of a ‘China threat’ and an ‘imminent’ Russian invasion of Ukraine and such, while the real threat is that of detached politicians who are amassing wealth, fighting for power and prestige while their countrymen and women continue to go hungry.

Articles Global Affairs

The Myth of Apolitical China: Why the West Refuses to Accept China’s Superpower Status

Not only is China very much a political actor but one would contend that presently, it is the most important political actor in the world.

Articles Global Affairs

The Omicron Shame: Why is the World Punishing instead of Helping Africa?

The fact that we continue to struggle against the virus and its variants indicates that the traditional thinking has completely failed. For the pandemic to be finally defeated, we need to abandon the mindset of rich vs. poor and north vs. south. For the world to be saved, all of us have to be saved collectively.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

From Pegasus to Blue Wolf: How Israel’s ‘Security’ Experiment in Palestine Became Global

The truth is, for as long as Israel maintains its military occupation of Palestine, and as long as the Israeli military continues to see Palestinians as subjects in a mass ‘security experiment’, the Middle East—in fact, the entire world—will continue to pay the price. 

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion

The truth is that a thousand or a million more statements by western governments will not end the Israeli occupation, or even slow down the pace of Israeli military bulldozers as they uproot Palestinian trees, destroy homes and construct yet more illegal colonies.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Heroes or Parasites: Europe’s Self-serving Politics on Refugees

While we are busy manipulating language, there are thousands who are stranded at sea and hundreds of thousands languishing in refugee camps worldwide. They are only welcomed if they serve as political capital. Otherwise, they remain a ‘problem’ to be dealt with – violently, if necessary.

Articles Global Affairs

US Foreign Policy Adrift: Why Washington No Longer Calling the Shots

Even if it is accepted, without any argument, that America is, indeed, back, considering the vastly changing geopolitical spheres in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Biden’s assertion should, ultimately, make no difference.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Politics of Cheering and Booing: On Palestine, Solidarity and the Tokyo Olympics

The truth is, for us, Palestinians, the Olympics are not an ethnocentric exercise. Our relationship to it is not simply inspired by race, nationality or even religion, but by humanity itself.

Articles Global Affairs

The Little Talked About Covid-19 ‘Variants’: Vaccine Mismanagement Will Have Dire Repercussions

While many are busy measuring the possible future repercussions of the pandemic in terms of economic output, life expectancy and such, it is critical that we consider other factors that are certain to result from this unbearable inequality: revolutions, mass migrations and famine. These are the other ‘variants’ that we must urgently address.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Evolution of Apartheid: Why Israel is Becoming a Pariah State

No amount of Israeli propaganda and smear campaigns can turn the tide back in favor of Israel. While it may be too early to speak of a major paradigm shift, it is certainly no longer far-fetched to imagine that such a possibility is finally at hand.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Recognition of Palestine is ‘Symbolic’ but also Critical: The Australian Case

The ALP recognition of Palestine is, for now, mere symbolism. If utilized correctly, through pressure, advocacy and mobilization, it could turn into something meaningful in the future. 

Articles Global Affairs

Nuclear Weapons Blazing: Britain Enters the US-China Fray

The British foreign policy shift is an unprecedented gamble for London as the nature of the new Cold War is fundamentally different from that of the previous one; this time around, the ‘West’ is divided, torn by politics and crises, while NATO is no longer the superpower it once was.

Articles Global Affairs

The Ongoing Calamity: US Collective Punishment of the Venezuelan People Must End

Washington’s futile sanctions-based approach to Venezuela has proved not only immensely harmful to the welfare of the Venezuelan people but also to Washington’s own regional interests. Washington’s obstinacy allowed its global rivals, Russia and China, to unprecedentedly cement their economic and strategic interests in that country.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

Engaging the World: The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy

Abdullah’s volume on Hamas is a must-read, as it offers a unique take on Hamas, liberating the discussion on the Movement from the confines of the reductionist Western media’s perception of Hamas as terrorist – and of the counterclaims, as well. In this book, Hamas is viewed as a political actor, whose armed resistance is only a component in a complex and far-reaching strategy.

Articles Global Affairs

Europe Will Redefine Itself Despite the Political Shift in the US

The ball is no longer in Washington’s court alone. The fact that the majority of Europeans believe in China’s impending global leadership in a matter of a few years means that the EU will have no patience for any American ultimatum to choose between Washington and Beijing.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Russian Alternative: How Moscow is Capitalizing on US Retreat in Palestine, Israel

The US now has no other option but to slowly retreat from its previous commitments to the peace process: in fact, the region as a whole. As is often the case, any American retreat means a potential opening for Russia, which is now laying claim to the role of peace broker, a seismic change that many Palestinians are already welcoming.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Our Mutual Fight: The Case against Pakistani Normalization with Israel

The Palestinian and Pakistani peoples need each other as vanguards against racism, military occupation and injustice. They must remain united at the forefront of this defining fight, no matter the sacrifices and the pressures. If Pakistan abandons this noble fight, the pain of this loss will be felt most deeply in the heart of every Palestinian, for generations to come.