• March 31, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

Mission Accomplished: Why Solidarity Boats to Gaza Succeed despite Failing to Break the Siege

By Ramzy Baroud When Mike Treen, the national director of the Unite Union in New Zealand, arrived at the airport in the capital, Auckland, on 1 August, a group of people was anxiously waiting for him at the terminal with Palestinian flags and flowers. They hugged him, chanted for Palestinian freedom and performed the customary native […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Freedom Flotilla: Mike Treen Discusses Gaza Trip with Ramzy Baroud

Mike Treen, National Director of Unite Union, Auckland, discusses with Palestinian writer Ramzy Baroud on why he is going on the Freedom Flotilla in July 2018. The Flotilla will take aid to Gaza in an attempt to break the 11-years Israeli blockade.

Articles Global Affairs Media Palestine/Israel

The Massacre of Inn Din: How Rohingya Are Lynched and Held Responsible

By Ramzy Baroud “In my four years as High Commissioner, I have heard many preposterous claims. That claim is almost in its own category of absurdity. Have you no shame, sir, have you no shame? We are not fools.” These were some of the remarks made by outgoing United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, […]

Articles Global Affairs

Europe’s Iron Curtain: The Refugee Crisis is about to Worsen

By Ramzy Baroud A recent European Council summit in Brussels was meant to articulate a united policy on the burgeoning refugees and migrant crisis. Instead, it served to highlight the bitter divisions among various European countries. Considering the gravity of the matter, Europe’s self-serving policies are set to worsen an already tragic situation. True, several […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Did Israel Inspire Trump’s Family Separation Policy?

By Ramzy Baroud This past May, the United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, announced the government’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy at US border crossings. It was a matter of weeks before the new policy began yielding tragic outcomes. Those attempting to unlawfully cross into the US were subject to federal criminal prosecution, while their children were […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

The International Community Should Not Stand by as Israel Abuses Palestinians

By Ramzy Baroud What is taking place in Palestine is not a ‘conflict’.  We readily utilize the term but, in fact, the word ‘conflict’ is misleading. It equates oppressed Palestinians with Israel, a military power that stands in violation of numerous United Nations Resolutions. It is these ambiguous terminologies that allow the likes of United […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Israel’s Premature Celebration: Gazans have Crossed the Fear Barrier

By Ramzy Baroud 60 Palestinians were killed in Gaza on May 15, simply for protesting and demanding their Right of Return as guaranteed by international law. 50 more were killed since March 30, the start of the ‘Great March of Return’, which marks Land Day. Nearly 10,000 have been wounded and maimed in between these […]

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative

Public Lecture: Ramzy Baroud on ‘The Last Earth’ (VIDEO)

Palestinian journalist and historian Ramzy Baroud speaks on his new book The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story. At this critical juncture in Palestine’s history, with Trump’s recent declaration on Jerusalem and the Likud party vote to annex West Bank settlements, Dr. Baroud’s narrative of Palestinian dispossession, resistance, and resilience is important and timely. THE LAST […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

More Than a Fight over Couscous: Why the Palestinian Narrative Must Be Embraced

By Ramzy Baroud As soon as Virgin Atlantic Airlines introduced a couscous-style salad “inspired by the flavours of Palestine”, a controversy ensued. Israel’s supporters ignited a social media storm and sent many complaints to the company, obliging the airline to remove the reference to Palestine. In the Zionist narrative, Palestine does not exist – nor […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

The Boomerang Effect: How Netanyahu Made Israel an American Issue, and Lost

By Ramzy Baroud Despite massive sums of money spent to channel public opinion in the United States in favor of Israel, unmistakable trends in opinion polls are attesting to the changing dynamics of Israel’s support among ordinary Americans. Not only is Israel losing its support and overall appeal among large sections of American society, but […]

Articles Global Affairs

The Trials of Africa and the Real Dr. King They Want Us to Forget

By Ramzy Baroud On January 15, millions of Americans commemorated Martin Luther King’s Day. His famous speech, ‘I Have a Dream’ was repeated numerous times in media outlets as a reminder of the evil of racism, which is being resurrected in a most pronounced way in American society. But that is only one version of […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

In Words and Deeds: The Genesis of Israeli Violence

By Ramzy Baroud Not a day passes without a prominent Israeli politician or intellectual making an outrageous statement against Palestinians. Many of these statements tend to garner little attention or evoke rightly deserved outrage. Just recently, Israel’s Minister of Agriculture, Uri Ariel, called for more death and injuries on Palestinians in Gaza. “What is this […]


The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story

Now Available for Orders: Product details Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Pluto Press (20 Feb. 2018) ISBN-10: 0745337996 ISBN-13: 978-0745337999 Ron Jacobs (CounterPunch): “Baroud’s compositions are works of sheer unequivocal beauty. It is a beauty that is wrenched from a personal and collective tragedy so profound any reader but the one without a soul cannot help […]


ഗാസ: പറഞ്ഞു തീരാത്ത കഥകൾ (Malayalam Edition)

Order Your Copy from the Publisher: Other Books Gaza : paranhu Theeratha Kathakal, a translation of Ramzy Baroud’s My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story, is the fifth book in our series of books on Palestine. An important, yet engrossing, book that chronicles the persisting ordeals of the people of Palestine. It is […]


My Father Was a Freedom Fighter (Korean Edition)

Available from Sansuya publishers, South Korea.


İkinci Filistin İntifadası (Turkish Edition)

İkinci Filistin İntifadası Kategori: Roman Yazar: Ramzy Baroud (Çeviren: Zeynep Ulus Şengel) Üretici: Sitare Yayınları To order the book, click here.


La deuxième intifada palestinienne : Chronique d’un soulèvement populaire

« […] Ce livre se veut un moyen de construire une position palestinienne indépendante, sans aucune allégeance vis‑à‑vis d’aucun parti politique ou individu, ni aucune organisation officielle. En cela, il se veut simplement une tentative de se référer aux mêmes principes que ceux des innombrables réfugiés vivant dans des camps confinés et surpeuplés où avec fierté […]


Résistant en Palestine : Une histoire vraie de Gaza

Comprenez, de l’intérieur de Gaza, comment le peuple palestinien a vécu la signature des Accords d’Oslo : les espoirs suscités et immédiatement déçus, la désillusion et la colère suscitée par l’occupation et la colonisation israéliennes qui continuent… La seconde Intifada, et la montée politique du Hamas… Titre : Résistant en Palestine. Sous-titre : Une histoire […]


Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion

A searing testament to Israeli brutality and Palestinian resilience, spirit, and grace under pressure. Why is it that the US, Israel, the UN, and every news organization on earth has expressed their views on the Jenin invasion yet the Palestinian victims have never been allowed to speak? Searching Jenin explains what happened and how it […]


The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of A People’s Struggle

This is a comprehensive account of the momentous events of the first five years of the Second Palestinian Uprising which shaped the political landscape not only of Palestine and Israel but of the entire Middle East region. ISBN: 9780745325477 Extent: 240pp Release Date: 20 Jul 2006 Size: 230mm x 150mm Format: Paperback Illustrations: 26 photos […]


My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story

Baroud’s vivid and honest account reveals the complex human beings; revolutionaries, great moms and dads, lovers, and comedians that make Gaza so much more than just a disputed territory. ISBN: 9780745328812 Extent: 232pp Release Date: 09 Dec 2009 Size: 230mm x 150mm Format: Paperback Order from the publisher – Pluto Press. Order from Amazon.   […]