The history of all national liberation struggles, Palestine included, demonstrates that the price for freedom is always high.
A whole generation, if not more, has already built a perception of Israel as a genocidal regime and no number of lies will ever lessen that.
It is time for us to speak about justice – real justice – the outcome of which is non-negotiable: equality, full political rights, freedom and the right of return.
A new movie glorifying the legacy of Zionist leader and Israel’s fourth Prime Minister, Golda Meir, has been released in selected theaters in the US and Europe.
For Palestinians, this new reality is an opportunity to widen their circle of support around the world. For Israel, the mission is a precarious one, especially when initial victories could, in hours, become utter defeats.
It is time to break away from the old way of thinking that saw the Palestinian as incapable of narrating, or of being a liability on his/her own story.
What truly requires urgent investigation and condemnation is Israel’s continued exploitation and denigration of the memory of the Holocaust to score cheap political points against Palestinians, to silence critics and to hide the true extent of its numerous massacres, criminal military occupation and racist apartheid regime.
A succession of events in recent weeks all points to the inescapable fact that nearly 75 years of Israel’s painstaking efforts aimed at hiding the truth about its origins and its current racially-driven apartheid regime are miserably failing.
By calling an ice cream company ‘terrorist’ for simply adhering to international law, Herzog has revealed the growing lack of credibility and absurdity of the official Israeli language.
It will not be easy to deconstruct the seemingly endless edifice of lies, half-truths, and intentional misrepresentations of Zionist Israeli colonialism in Palestine.
Israel targets the international media “because the battle for the truth is so critical and crucial at this stage,” Palestinian journalist and editor of The Palestine Chronicle Ramzy Baroud said Thursday.
Nada Elia holds no punches. A principled activist and an accomplished academic, she writes with honesty and vigor. As I embarked on a worldwide speaking tour, an article she wrote two years ago was present in my mind. Entitled, “No More Mr. Nice Guy: White Male Israeli Activists Exploiting Palestine Solidarity”, the article details a […]
By Ramzy Baroud In an article published in Al-Monitor without a single verifiable citation, Israeli journalist, Shlomi Eldar, went to unprecedented lengths to divert attention from the corruption in his country. He spoke of Palestinian journalists – all speaking on condition of anonymity – who “applauded” and “admired” Israeli media coverage of corruption scandals surrounding […]