• January 12, 2025
Articles Global Affairs

The Other Russia-West War: Why Some African Countries are Abandoning Paris, Joining Moscow

France’s military and foreign policy shift in Africa, however, was not compelled by strategy or vision, but by changing realities over which France has little control.

Articles Global Affairs

French Withdrawal from Mali Will Redraw the Political Map of West Africa

The truth is that an earth-shattering development is underway in Mali and the whole of West Africa, ushering in, as argued in the NY Times, the ‘closing chapters of ‘la Françafrique’,’ the centuries-long French dominance over its ‘sphere of influence’ in the resource-rich Africa.

Articles Global Affairs

The Clandestine War on Africa: France’s Endgame in Mali

The story is meant to end here, but it will not – as long as Mali is exploited by outsiders, as long as poverty and inequality will continue to exist, leading to insurrections, rebellions and military coups.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Macron’s Incitement: ‘Crisis in Islam’ or French Politics?

The true crisis is not a crisis in Islam, but in French politics. If anyone deserves mockery, it is not Prophet Mohammed – whose message of nearly 1,500 years ago was that of peace, justice and equality – but, rather, Macron himself.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

Hands off Lebanon: Macron’s Self-serving ‘New Pact’ Must Be Shunned

Lebanon should be aware that its current tragedy is the perfect opportunity for its former colonial masters to stage a comeback, which would hardly save Lebanon and her people from their persisting calamity

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Tearing down the Idols of Colonialism: Why Tunisia, Africa Must Demand French Apology

Tunisia, and many African countries, must demand a French apology. By doing so, they declare ‘loudly and intelligibly’ that they are finally free from the ‘white man’s (selfish and racist) values,’ and that they truly see themselves as equal.

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative

Ramzy Baroud au Sénat Français contre l’Apartheid Israélienne

Le 16 Novembre, Dr. Ramzy Baroud va participer au colloque “Israéliens et Palestiniens ensemble contre l’Apartheid”, organisé par le Comité de Vigilance pour une paix réelle au Proche-Orient, en partenariat avec le site Orient XII. Le colloque aura lieu au Palais du Luxembourg, siège du Sénat Français, 15, de 9h à 17h30. Les organisateurs ont […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

France and the EU, Recognizing Yet Supporting Apartheid Reality in Palestine

By Ramzy Baroud A recent statement made by the outgoing French Ambassador to the US regarding the nature of Israeli apartheid accentuates a larger ailment that has afflicted the European Union foreign policy. The EU is simply gutless when it comes to confronting Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. Ambassador Gerard Araud was, of course, right […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Notre Dame of Gaza: Our Mosques and Churches Are also Burning

By Ramzy Baroud As the 300-foot spire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris tragically came tumbling down on live television, my thoughts ventured to Nuseirat Refugee Camp, my childhood home in the Gaza Strip. Then, also on television, I watched as a small bulldozer hopelessly clawed through the rubble of my neighborhood mosque. I grew […]

Articles Global Affairs

Europe’s Iron Curtain: The Refugee Crisis is about to Worsen

By Ramzy Baroud A recent European Council summit in Brussels was meant to articulate a united policy on the burgeoning refugees and migrant crisis. Instead, it served to highlight the bitter divisions among various European countries. Considering the gravity of the matter, Europe’s self-serving policies are set to worsen an already tragic situation. True, several […]