• February 22, 2025
Articles Global Affairs

Burning of the Quran and the Counter-offensive: Why the West is Panicking

Why is the right to insult Muslims so cherished, so sacred in the view of Western governments and laws? And why burn the Quran now?

Articles Global Affairs

The Beloved ‘Cavaliere’: Berlusconi’s Death Will Not Resolve Italy’s Democracy Problem

Berlusconi would have never ruled over Italy if it were not for the near complete distrust of the others, those who speak of democracy, balance of power and respect for institutions, only to achieve power and do everything to hold on to their seats.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Who Said BDS Has ‘Already Failed’?: European Cities Boycott Apartheid Israel

There is no denying that the road ahead is long and arduous. It will certainly have its twists, turns and, yes, occasional setbacks. But this is the nature of national liberation struggles.

Articles Global Affairs

The Other Russia-West War: Why Some African Countries are Abandoning Paris, Joining Moscow

France’s military and foreign policy shift in Africa, however, was not compelled by strategy or vision, but by changing realities over which France has little control.

Articles Global Affairs

The Road to Fascism: How the War in Ukraine is Changing Europe

While politicians are often ready to exploit any event to rise or remain in power, Europe must tread carefully by reflecting on its past, namely the fact that extreme nationalism and populism are likely to lead to something truly sinister and potentially destructive.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

From Korea to Libya: On the Future of Ukraine and NATO’s Neverending Wars

Though military invasions must be wholly rejected, whether in Iraq or Ukraine, turning Ukraine into another convenient zone of perpetual geopolitical struggle between NATO and Russia is not the answer.  

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Can Israel Exist without America: Numbers Speaks of a Changing Reality

The fight against Israeli occupation and apartheid can no longer be disproportionately focused on breaking up the ‘special relationship’ that united Tel Aviv and Washington for over 50 years.

Articles Global Affairs

Is Europe Really More Civilized? Ukraine Conflict a Platform for Racism and Rewriting History

Before bragging about the virtues of Europe, and the demeaning of everyone else, the likes of Arestovych, D’Agata, and Petkov should take a look at themselves in the mirror and reconsider their unsubstantiated ethnocentric view of the world and of history.

Articles Global Affairs

French Withdrawal from Mali Will Redraw the Political Map of West Africa

The truth is that an earth-shattering development is underway in Mali and the whole of West Africa, ushering in, as argued in the NY Times, the ‘closing chapters of ‘la Françafrique’,’ the centuries-long French dominance over its ‘sphere of influence’ in the resource-rich Africa.

Articles Global Affairs

Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua: The US-Russia Conflict Enters a New Phase

As the plot thickens in Eastern Europe, Russia’s move in South America promises to add a new component that would make a win-lose scenario in favor of the US and NATO nearly impossible.

Articles Global Affairs

The Combating Islamophobia Act: On Hate Crimes and ‘Irrational Fears’

It is time that we stop perceiving ‘Islamophobes’ as people with irrational or, in the mind of some, rational, fear of Muslims – similar to ‘claustrophobia’, ‘arachnophobia’, or ‘agoraphobia’.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News Videos

WATCH: ‘Unity and Resistance’: Ramzy Baroud Delivers Speech at Casa Arabe in Madrid

Palestine Chronicle editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud, delivered a speech at Casa Arabe on Thursday, as part of the Palestine Week, which was organized to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Articles Global Affairs

Empty Gestures or Substantive Change? On the Nobel Prize in Literature and Its Discontents

It is not the awards that matter but what has been researched and written, and its impact on making the world a more equitable place.

Articles Global Affairs

Greed and Consumption: Why the World is Burning

The impact of global warming cannot and must not be held hostage to the ambitions of politicians. Millions of people are suffering, livelihoods are destroyed, the fate of future generations is at risk.

Articles Global Affairs

Progress or War: On Islamophobia and Europe’s Demographic Shifts

It is time for European countries to understand that their demographics are fundamentally changing, and that such change can, in fact, be beneficial to the health of these nations.

Articles Global Affairs

Kneeling against Racism: Solidarity in EURO 2020 Should Not be ‘Controversial’

Racism is a political disease, like cancerous cells spreading across the body, or body politic of society. It has to be stopped, on and off the field. While taking the knee will not end racism, it is meant to serve as a conversation starter, a moral stance by players and a meaningful gesture of camaraderie and humanity.

Articles Global Affairs

The Clandestine War on Africa: France’s Endgame in Mali

The story is meant to end here, but it will not – as long as Mali is exploited by outsiders, as long as poverty and inequality will continue to exist, leading to insurrections, rebellions and military coups.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Macron’s Incitement: ‘Crisis in Islam’ or French Politics?

The true crisis is not a crisis in Islam, but in French politics. If anyone deserves mockery, it is not Prophet Mohammed – whose message of nearly 1,500 years ago was that of peace, justice and equality – but, rather, Macron himself.