• March 29, 2025
Books Reclaiming the Narrative

L’ultima terra

«Nella migliore tradizione della storia dei popoli, questi testi sensibili, dolorosi ed evocativi mostrano il lato umano della dolorosa saga del tormento palestinese, nonché dell’eccezionale resilienza e coraggio delle vittime.» Noam Chomsky

Books Reclaiming the Narrative

OUR VISION FOR LIBERATION: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out

ABOUT THE BOOK Co-edited by Ilan Pappe and Ramzy Baroud, Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out aims to challenge several strata of the current Palestine discourse that have led to the present dead end: the American pro-Israel political discourse, the Israeli colonial discourse, the Arab discourse of purported normalization, and […]

Articles Reclaiming the Narrative

Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders and Intellectuals Speak Out – Book Review

‘Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders and Intellectuals Speak Out’ is a fascinating book, a beautiful book, a real treasure.

Articles Reclaiming the Narrative

Palestine’s Organic Intellectuals: ‘These Chains Will be Broken’ by Ramzy Baroud (Introduction)

The ‘prison’ in this book is a metaphor for the collective Palestinian prison experience. All Palestinians are prisoners—those held in besieged Gaza or those trapped behind walls, fences and checkpoints in the West Bank. All experience some manifestation of prison every day of their lives.

Articles Palestine/Israel

These Chains Will Be Broken: New Book Delivers Resistance Message from Palestinian Prisoners to the World

On Monday, January  20, Clarity Press, Inc. of Atlanta announced the launch of These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons, by Palestinian author and journalist, Ramzy Baroud, and The Palestine Chronicle Editorial Team.  Bookended by a Foreword by Khalida Jarrar Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and an Afterword by […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

‘These Chains Will Be Broken’: Make 2020 the Year of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners

Friends, it is finally here. “THESE CHAINS WILL BE BROKEN: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons” is the story of Palestine written by its foremost heroes and heroines, the true organic intellectuals of this noble struggle. Listening to Khalida Jarrar, Dareen Tatour and Mohammed al-Deirwai conveying their stories, and reading the words […]

Books Reclaiming the Narrative

These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons

Palestinian prisoners are an essential element in the collective resistance against Israeli colonialism, apartheid and military occupation. Rather than being viewed as unfortunate victims, their steadfastness exemplifies the ongoing fight of the Palestinian people as a whole. Despite Palestinian factionalism and lack of a unified political movement, Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons serve as […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud Interviewed by Kim Hill – ‘Saturday Morning’ (RNZ)

Ramzy Baroud interviewed by Kim Hill on popular ‘Saturday Morning’ national radio programme (RNZ), on May 19. Click here to listen…

Articles Ramzy Baroud News

MEMO Hosts Launch of The Last Earth by Ramzy Baroud

By Rebecca Stead On Tuesday, March 27, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) hosted Ramzy Baroud as he launched his new book The Last Earth in front of a packed lecture theater at Imperial College, London. Chaired by Dr Dina Matar of the Centre for Palestine Studies at SOAS, University of London, Baroud shared his thoughts on […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramona Wadi Reviews: The Last Earth. A Palestinian Story

To impart narratives of displacement, it is important to listen to the echoes of such trajectories. Ramzy Baroud’s latest book, The Last Earth: a Palestinian story, propels this dimension immediately to the fore. The reader takes a step back to listen, imagine and realise the immense contradictions, where life is in a constant struggle with death […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Iqbal Siddiqui Reviews: ‘The Last Earth’ by Palestinian-American Writer Ramzy Baroud

Iqbal Siddiqui reviews “The Last Earth” by the Palestinian-American writer Ramzy Baroud, who tells the story of modern Palestine through the memories of those who have lived it. Baroud draws on dozens of interviews to produce vivid and intimate accounts of Palestinian lives – in villages, refugee camps, prisons and cities, in the lands of their […]

Ramzy Baroud News Reclaiming the Narrative

Public Lecture: Ramzy Baroud on ‘The Last Earth’ (VIDEO)

Palestinian journalist and historian Ramzy Baroud speaks on his new book The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story. At this critical juncture in Palestine’s history, with Trump’s recent declaration on Jerusalem and the Likud party vote to annex West Bank settlements, Dr. Baroud’s narrative of Palestinian dispossession, resistance, and resilience is important and timely. THE LAST […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Australian Friends of Palestine: Book Launch with Ramzy Baroud

Click here for more information Dr Ramzy Baroud, Palestinian journalist, poet, political activist and historian, son of a freedom fighter, will visit Adelaide 9-10 May 2018 during the South Australian History Festival. This is a not to be missed opportunity for all interested in the contemporary political challenges emanating for Australia from the Middle East. […]

Articles Media

‘The Last Earth’: Flashing for the Refugees on the Unarmed Road of Flight

By Ron Jacobs Every once in a while a book is published wherein the text transcends the subject matter, lifting the stories between the covers into a place that is both revelatory and sublime; a place that renders the words involved to be more than mere representations of the subject matter. Ramzy Baroud’s latest book The […]


The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story

Now Available for Orders: Product details Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Pluto Press (20 Feb. 2018) ISBN-10: 0745337996 ISBN-13: 978-0745337999 Ron Jacobs (CounterPunch): “Baroud’s compositions are works of sheer unequivocal beauty. It is a beauty that is wrenched from a personal and collective tragedy so profound any reader but the one without a soul cannot help […]


ഗാസ: പറഞ്ഞു തീരാത്ത കഥകൾ (Malayalam Edition)

Order Your Copy from the Publisher: Other Books Gaza : paranhu Theeratha Kathakal, a translation of Ramzy Baroud’s My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story, is the fifth book in our series of books on Palestine. An important, yet engrossing, book that chronicles the persisting ordeals of the people of Palestine. It is […]


My Father Was a Freedom Fighter (Korean Edition)

Available from Sansuya publishers, South Korea.


İkinci Filistin İntifadası (Turkish Edition)

İkinci Filistin İntifadası Kategori: Roman Yazar: Ramzy Baroud (Çeviren: Zeynep Ulus Şengel) Üretici: Sitare Yayınları To order the book, click here.


La deuxième intifada palestinienne : Chronique d’un soulèvement populaire

« […] Ce livre se veut un moyen de construire une position palestinienne indépendante, sans aucune allégeance vis‑à‑vis d’aucun parti politique ou individu, ni aucune organisation officielle. En cela, il se veut simplement une tentative de se référer aux mêmes principes que ceux des innombrables réfugiés vivant dans des camps confinés et surpeuplés où avec fierté […]


Résistant en Palestine : Une histoire vraie de Gaza

Comprenez, de l’intérieur de Gaza, comment le peuple palestinien a vécu la signature des Accords d’Oslo : les espoirs suscités et immédiatement déçus, la désillusion et la colère suscitée par l’occupation et la colonisation israéliennes qui continuent… La seconde Intifada, et la montée politique du Hamas… Titre : Résistant en Palestine. Sous-titre : Une histoire […]


Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion

A searing testament to Israeli brutality and Palestinian resilience, spirit, and grace under pressure. Why is it that the US, Israel, the UN, and every news organization on earth has expressed their views on the Jenin invasion yet the Palestinian victims have never been allowed to speak? Searching Jenin explains what happened and how it […]


The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of A People’s Struggle

This is a comprehensive account of the momentous events of the first five years of the Second Palestinian Uprising which shaped the political landscape not only of Palestine and Israel but of the entire Middle East region. ISBN: 9780745325477 Extent: 240pp Release Date: 20 Jul 2006 Size: 230mm x 150mm Format: Paperback Illustrations: 26 photos […]


My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story

Baroud’s vivid and honest account reveals the complex human beings; revolutionaries, great moms and dads, lovers, and comedians that make Gaza so much more than just a disputed territory. ISBN: 9780745328812 Extent: 232pp Release Date: 09 Dec 2009 Size: 230mm x 150mm Format: Paperback Order from the publisher – Pluto Press. Order from Amazon.   […]