• March 29, 2025
Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Who Said BDS Has ‘Already Failed’?: European Cities Boycott Apartheid Israel

There is no denying that the road ahead is long and arduous. It will certainly have its twists, turns and, yes, occasional setbacks. But this is the nature of national liberation struggles.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

The Cultural Genocide in Palestine: On Sally Rooney’s Decision to Boycott Israel

Israel continues to target Palestinians as a people, downgrades their language, dismantles their institutions and systematically destroys their culture. This is rightly referred to as cultural genocide, and it is our moral responsibility to stop it.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

How Ben & Jerry’s has Exposed Israel’s Anti-BDS Strategy

By calling an ice cream company ‘terrorist’ for simply adhering to international law, Herzog has revealed the growing lack of credibility and absurdity of the official Israeli language.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Freedom is Never Voluntarily Given’: Palestinian Boycott of Israel is Not Racist, It is Anti-Racist

The boycott movement aims at holding the oppressor accountable as it places a price tag on military occupation and apartheid. Not only is the Palestinian boycott movement not racist, it is essentially a rallying cry against racism and oppression. 

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

2021: Palestine’s Chance of Fighting Back

2020 may have been a devastating year for Palestine, but a closer look would allow us to see it as an opportunity for a whole new Palestinian political discourse. 2021 is Palestine’s chance of fighting back.

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

WATCH: Ramzy Baroud on Pompeo’s Designation of BDS as ‘Antisemitic’

Ramzy Baroud speaks about Pompeo’s visit to illegal Jewish settlement ad his designation of BDS as antisemitic.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Zionist War on Palestinian Festival in Rome is Ominous Sign of Things to Come

The attempt at shutting down the Palestinian Festival is a microcosm of Italy’s foreign policy agenda in Palestine and Israel, where Rome offers Palestinians nothing but empty rhetoric, while practically remaining subservient to the chauvinistic and racist right-wing agenda of Tel Aviv.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

A Year in Review: Will 2020 Be a Game Changer in Palestine?

By Ramzy Baroud This has been a defining year for Palestine and Israel. Despite the usual political stagnation of the Palestinian leadership, two factors contributed to making 2019 particularly eventful and, looking ahead, consequential as well: The unprecedented political power struggle in Israel, and the total US retreat from its own self-proclaimed role as an […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Elected by Donors’: The University of Cape Town Fails Palestine, Embraces Israel

By Ramzy Baroud It was a scandal of the highest caliber. On November 23, the senate of the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa was practically bullied into reversing an earlier decision calling for the academic boycott of Israel. While the story may seem relevant in South Africa’s political and academic contexts, in […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

A Question Every American Must Confront: Apartheid Israel or US Democracy?

By Ramzy Baroud Bahia Amawai is a US citizen and Texas-based language specialist who helps autistic and speech-impaired children overcome their impairment. Despite the essential and noble nature of her work, she was fired by the Pflugerville Independent School District, which serves the Austin area. Every year, Amawai signs an annual contract that allows her to carry […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

The Tide Is Turning: Israel Is Losing on Two War Fronts

By Ramzy Baroud The botched Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip on 12 November is delineating Tel Aviv’s failure to utilize its army as a tool to achieve Palestinian political concessions. Now that Palestinian popular resistance has gone global through the exponential rise and growing success of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement, […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Ghost of Herut: Einstein on Israel, 70 Years Ago

By Ramzy Baroud Albert Einstein, along with other Jewish luminaries, including Hannah Arendt, published a letter in the New York Times on December 4, 1948. That was only a few months after Israel had declared its independence and as hundreds of Palestinian villages were being actively demolished after their inhabitants were expelled. The letter denounced Israel’s newly-founded […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Palestine: It Is Time for a New Beginning

By Ramzy Baroud Now that the American mask has completely fallen, Palestinians require an urgent rethink in their own political priorities, alliances and national liberation strategy. Business should not go on as usual after US President Donald Trump accepted Israel’s definition of Jerusalem as its capital, thus violating the overwhelming international consensus on the matter. […]