CrossTalk: Just when there was hope the Syrian international proxy war could be coming to an end, Israel inserted itself into the conflict in a big way. Airstrikes against Syrian targets have not only witnessed Damascus forcefully react, but also has Moscow demanding explanations. CrossTalking with Ramzy Baroud, Dan Arbell, and Martin Jay. (RT, Youtube)
By Ramzy Baroud Mere days after Donald Trump won the US presidential election, American Zionists moved quickly to ensure that Israeli interests were fully guarded by the new administration. The Zionist Organization of America wasted no time, hobnobbing with notorious racists, also known for their anti-Jewish agendas. ZOA’s annual gala on November 20 hosted none other […]
By Jaclynn Ashly and Reem Alqam – Bethlehem (Maan) Israel’s infamous separation wall in the occupied West Bank, while cutting off Palestinians from their lands and religious sites, isolating communities, and eroding the livelihood of scores of Palestinians along its route, has become an unlikely breeding ground for tourism. Adjacent to the graffiti-stained separation wall […]
By Ramzy Baroud – Al Jazeera Excerpts .. In a landmark study released in March 2015, the Washington-based group, Physicians for Social Responsibility, showed that the US self-styled “war on terror” has killed anywhere between 1.3 million to two million Muslims in the first 10 years since the September 11 attacks. Award-winning investigative journalist, Nafeez Ahmed, concluded that […]
By Ramzy Baroud – Al Jazeera Newly inaugurated US President Donald Trump is about to reverse an historical course that has been in the making for 100 years. The inexperienced, demagogic politician hardly understands the danger that lies in his decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. If he goes through […]
Ramzy Baroud — Our book – I REMEMBER MY NAME – has just won the Palestine Book Awards’ Creative category. I am humbled and very proud of my two amazing co-poets – Samah Sabawi and Jehan Bseiso – fantastic editor Dr. Vacy Vlazna and inspired artist David Borringon. A special thank you to my friend, […]
Ramzy Baroud: Non-Resident Scholar, Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, University of California Santa Barbara. Specialization: Interdisciplinary Research Hub Affiliation(s): Governance & Human Rights Hub Dr. Ramzy Baroud is a journalist, media consultant, author and internationally-syndicated columnist. He holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Palestine Studies from the European Centre for Palestinian Studies at […]
Ramzy Baroud: I received this photo and message regarding the launch of the Malayalam edition of my book MY FATHER WAS A FREEDOM FIGHTER in Doha, Qatar yesterday. I am very grateful to all the people who made this happen, and I am sorry I was not able to be there with you at the […]
Ninety-nine years since Balfour’s “promise”, Palestinians insist that their rights in Palestine cannot be dismissed. By Ramzy Baroud When I was a child growing up in a Gaza refugee camp, I looked forward to November 2. On that day, every year, thousands of students and camp residents would descend upon the main square of the […]
“Non ci sarà mai una Palestina libera se prima i palestinesi non libereranno se stessi dalla repressione delle divisioni e del fazionalismo”: il punto di vista dell’analista palestinese Ramzy Baroud sulle ultime elezioni locali (rimandate). Mentre i palestinesi nei Territori occupati si preparano per le elezioni locali, previste per ottobre, le divisioni e il “fazionalismo” […]
Dear Friends, I am running my next two marathons, in Seattle and Rome, to support the amazing efforts of Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF). PCRF saves lives. It heals children in Palestine and across the Middle East and gives them another opportunity to lead normal lives. My next marathon in Seattle is on Nov. 27th, […]
By Ramzy Baroud – Japan Times […] To put things in perspective, one only needs to marvel at these numbers: Syria’s population is 17 million people, of whom 6.6 million are internally displaced in Syria itself and 4.7 million are refugees in the region (approximately 2.6 million in Turkey, 1.1 million in Lebanon, 637,000 in […]
Filistin toplumu içinde bölünme İsrail’in şiddet işgalini sona erdirmek için ya da tek bir amaç ardında Filistinlileri ralli herhangi birleşik bir strateji yolunda önemli bir engel haline görülmemiş seviyelere ulaşmıştır. İsrail Savunma Bakanı Avigdor Lieberman çok iyi bu anlar. Ofisine yükseliş geçen Mayıs beri yaptığı taktik daha da Filistin toplumunu yıkmak için bir yol olarak […]
Ramzy Baroud – “Tu mérites de voir souffrir et mourir tes proches et ceux que tu aimes. Mais peut-être seras-tu frappé avant eux,” était une partie du message de menace reçu par un membre de l’équipe de direction d’Al-Mezan, une organisation de défense des droits de l’homme, basée à Gaza. Al-Mezan, avec trois autres organisations […]
Di Ramzy Baroud (…) L’impegno umanitario non è un’opportunità per fare delle foto; non è una vacanza; non è un’avventura; non è un modo per scaricare la tensione o per sconfiggere il senso di colpa; non dovrebbe essere un’espressione di egemonia culturale, né tantomeno essere guidato da un senso di superiorità e deve evitare ad […]
Une interview de Ramzy Baroud – Notre entretien aujourd’hui porte sur la situation en Palestine, les conflits qui font rage au Moyen-Orient et le rôle du mouvement international de solidarité. Info-Palestine : L’interventionnisme occidental au Moyen-Orient au cours des 25 dernières années s’est avéré particulièrement destructeur, en commençant par la première guerre contre l’Irak en […]
Hatim Kanaaneh reveiws I Remember My Name The dedication of the current thin collection of poetry by the three internationally savvy poets, Samah Sabawi, Ramzy Baroud and Jehan Bseiso, to Gaza and Gazans blows their cover: They are diaspora Palestinians, world citizens and enemies of hegemonic cultural Zionism from within its field of operation; they […]
Una ‘activista’ italiana estaba interesada en la foto, como si su carrera de activismo en redes sociales dependiese de ello. Como si la miseria de los niños sirios no fuese lo suficientemente palpable en su rostro abatido y sus sarpullido en la piel infectada, como para mostrar su posición sobre la miseria absoluta en una […]
Please join the initial signers/authors of this petition by co-signing with us… Michael Albert, Omar Barghouti, Ramzy Baroud, Medea Benjamin, Karen Bernal, Peter Bohmer, Leslie Cagan, Noam Chomsky, Marjorie Cohn, Jeff Cohen, Josh Cohen, Mike Davis, Vincent Emanuele, Barbara Epstein, Ann Ferguson, Bill Fletcher, Joseph Gerson, Ted Glick, Linda Gordon, Andrej Grubacic, Kathy Kelly, Robert […]
“I am writing this … to denote a fact that seems to escape many of us: Gaza is also an abode of poetry…,” writes Ramzy Baroud. “Alas, how many of us can name a single Palestinian poet from Gaza? Likely, very few. It is because we are accustomed to affiliating Gaza with death, not life. […]
Gogora dezagun, Ramzy Baroud-ek aspergabe dioenez, islam periferikoaren fenomeno bat dela Estatu Islamikoa; eta Frantzian baldin badu Europako jarduerarik handieneko guneetako bat, hala dela herrialde hartan ez delako amaitu oraindik Aljeriako gerra, kultura, ekonomia eta gizarte aldetik. Gogora dezagun, halaber, Adenauer Institutuak egin berri duen inkesta batean erakutsia geratu denez, Afrika iparraldeko biztanleek berebiziko garrantzia […]
De Ramzy Baroud, aux éditions Demi-Lune –« Il s’agit d’abord d’un livre sur la Bande de Gaza. Mais c’est aussi l’histoire de ma famille, et en particulier celle de mon père : comment des agriculteurs palestiniens, vivant de leurs cultures sur leurs propres terres, ont été amenés à fuir pour sauver leur vie et furent […]
Days after a truck ploughed its way into throngs of people celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, the Los Angeles Times reported that “[Daesh or the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] later claimed indirect responsibility for the attack”. The clearly deliberate act killed 84 people, many of whom were children, and a […]
The refugee camp of Yarmouk was ever present in his being, pulling him in and out of an abyss of persistent fears that urged him to never return. But what was this refugee without Yarmouk, his first haven, his last earth? How could any other spot in this unwelcoming universe ever be a ‘home’ when […]
Just Published: The Arab Spring Five Years On By Amelia Smith (Author, Editor), Ramzy Baroud (Author), Philip Leech (Author), Christine Petré (Author), Diana Alghoul (Author), Jessica Purkiss (Author), Reem Assil (Author), Abdulrahman al-Masri (Author), Ben White (Author), Jehan Alfarra (Author), Sarwar Ahmed (Illustrator) Why did people power overcome despots in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen but meet […]
By Oraynab Jwayyed When I first came across the title of this book, My Father was a Freedom Fighter, I thought, “How brave”. Anyone with any connection to the Middle East understands the risk such a statement makes. This is especially true after 9-11 and even more so in the wake of terrorist attacks abroad […]
Ramzy Baroud’s style is one of controlled passion and intellectual refinement that searches the world through the eyes of others, notable historic figures in particular. In a moving tribute “To Afzal Guru,” Baroud climbs into the spirit of this Kashmiri martyr on the day of his hanging, as he ruminates on his silly dreams of […]
Middle East Monitor are pleased to announce the books shortlisted for the Palestine Book Awards 2016. The award, now in its fifth year, is an annual project that honours and celebrates books in English about Palestine. It is equally an attempt to encourage authors and publishers to create more fine books on Palestine. It has […]
El gobierno de Israel les ha despojado a los palestinos de sus riquezas de agua potable y ahora los castiga provocando la escasez de la misma. Cuando sí les permiten tomar su propia agua, se la vende carísima. Israel le ha despojado a los palestinos de la Franja de Gaza de todos sus recursos acuíferos […]