• February 23, 2025

Ramzy Baroud News

Cover for Ramzy Baroud’s Forthcoming Book Released

Title: The Last Earth – A Palestinian Story Original language: English To be published by Pluto Press, UK, February 2018 Genre: narrative non fiction Last Earth is a non-fictional narrative of modern Palestinian history, a unique study of people’s history and exile that attempts to challenge both academic and popular takes on Palestinian history, regardless of who […]

Ramzy Baroud & Yousef Aljamal – Al Jazeera: The 2014 War through the Eyes of Gaza’s Youth

There is a whole generation of Palestinians in Gaza that grew up knowing nothing but war and siege and have never seen the world beyond Gaza’s deadly borders. These are the voices of some of these young Gazans, who shared their tragic personal stories, hoping that the world would heed their calls for freedom and […]

Baroud su NenaNews (Traduzione): Tre anni dopo la guerra: parlano i giovani di Gaza

La guerra ha lasciato Gaza in rovina, in quanto più di 17.000 case sono state totalmente distrutte e migliaia di altre strutture, compresi ospedali, scuole e fabbriche sono state demolite o gravemente danneggiate. La guerra ha totalmente distrutto qualunque parvenza di attività economica avesse la Striscia di Gaza. Oggi l’80% di tutti i palestinesi di […]

Baroud in Arab News: Big oil, failed democracy and the world’s shame in Myanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi, the “great humanitarian,” seems to have run out of integrity as the UN finally confirms that what is happening to the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar is ethnic cleansing. Suu Kyi has not even had the moral courage to utter a few words of sympathy for the victims. Instead, she could only […]

Ramzy Baroud en Monitor de Oriente – El terrorismo que viene: La historia del Daesh aún no ha terminado

La segunda mayor ciudad de Irak, Mosul, ha quedado reducida a escombros. Al fin ha sido conquistada, arrebatada de las manos del Daesh, después de meses de bombardeos despiadados por parte de la coalición de guerra estadounidense, y de una masiva guerra terrestre. Pero ‘victoria’ no es el término que podría asignarse a este momento. […]

Ramzy Baroud in TeleSUR – Three Years After the War: Gaza Youth Speak Out

“At bedtime, I am afraid to turn the lights off. I am not a coward, it is just that I worry that this bulb hanging from the ceiling is the last light that remains (shining) in my life.” Soon after he penned these words, Moath Aljah, a young artist from a Gaza refugee camp, passed […]

Ramzy Baroud in Al Arabiya – Striking down the First Amendment: Israel lobby attacks BDS

The US Congress, cheered on by the powerful Israeli lobby in Washington, is waging a war on Palestinians and their supporters. In the process, they are attempting to demolish the very core of American values – the First Amendment. The build-up to this war began when the Israel lobby group, the American Israel Public Affairs […]

Ramzy Baroud en Monitor de Oriente (Traducción): El Pueblo de Al-Araqeeb, los Palestinos Beduinos Que Se Han Negado a Rendirse hasta 116 Veces

Si la destrucción repetida del pueblo no es más que una muestra indicativa de la terca insistencia de Israel en arrancar a los beduinos de Palestina, la reiterada reconstrucción es indicativa de la tenacidad de la comunidad beduina de Palestina. Pero Al-Araqeeb sólo es un símbolo de esa lucha histórica. No sería exagerado afirmar que […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Baroud in Al Jazeera – The Israel Lobby vs the First Amendment

The adage goes, “Be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it.” Indeed, this is the very predicament in which the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) could soon find itself. In its obsessive efforts to defeat the Palestinian-led boycott movement, AIPAC will soon force the revisitation of a long-dormant debate […]

Mohammed Dahlan, a Fatah commander who was defeated by Hamas in 2007. Ramzy Baroud News

Baroud in Al Jazeera: The Hamas-Dahlan Deal

“We have made mutual efforts with our brothers in Hamas to restore hope for Gaza’s heroic people,” Mohammed Dahlan told Palestinian legislators gathering in Gaza on Thursday, July 27. He spoke via satellite from his current exile in the United Arab Emirates. The audience clapped. True, Gaza has been pushed to the brink of humiliation […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Baroud in MEMO: War on BDS is Now War on American Democracy

There is something immoral in Washington D.C., and its consequences can be dire for many people, particularly for the health of US democracy. The US government is declaring war on the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The fight to defeat BDS has been ongoing for several years, but most notably since 2014. Since […]

Ramzy Baroud in Middle East Monitor – The Story behind the Jerusalem Attack

Empowered by the Trump administration and assured by Haley’s tactics at the UN, Netanyahu feels that his dream of subduing East Jerusalem is being realized. The price of Netanyahu’s dream, however, is likely to be costly. On the day of the attack, several Palestinians were killed in various parts of the West Bank and a […]

Ramzy Baroud in Al Arabiya – Six months later: How different is the Trump administration?

It has been nearly six months since Donald Trump took office as the 45th President of the United States. The lavish inauguration at the Capitol Building in Washington DC stood at odds with the country’s struggling economy, growing poverty and financial uncertainty for millions of Americans. Since then, Republicans and Democrats have been locked in […]

Ramzy Baroud en Monitor de Oriente (Traducción): Empujando a Gaza al Suicidio: las Políticas de la Humillación.

Los gazatíes son supervivientes. Han soportado estas dificultades durante años y, de alguna forma, han subsistido. Pero ciertos pacientes de cáncer no pueden sobrevivir por mera dureza del carácter. Rania, que vive en la ciudad de Gaza, es madre de tres hijos. Ha estado luchando contra el cáncer de mama durante un año. Sin quimioterapia, […]

Ramzy Baroud para Monitor de Oriente- Empujando a Gaza al suicidio: las políticas de la humillación.

Los gazatíes son supervivientes. Han soportado estas dificultades durante años y, de alguna forma, han subsistido. Pero ciertos pacientes de cáncer no pueden sobrevivir por mera dureza del carácter. Rania, que vive en la ciudad de Gaza, es madre de tres hijos. Ha estado luchando contra el cáncer de mama durante un año. Sin quimioterapia, […]

Baroud in Middle East Monitor, Fighting the Wrong Enemy: Why Americans Hate Muslims

Two officers sought me from within a crowd at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. They seemed to know who I was. They asked me to follow them, and I obliged. Being of Arab background, often renders one’s citizenship almost irrelevant. In a back room, where other foreigners, mainly Muslims, were holed for ‘added security’, I was […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Baroud in Gulf News: Nikki Haley is Israel’s ‘Bully’ at the UN

This is all an outcome of the Haley doctrine. Her arrival at the UN has ignited a US-Israeli hate fest, not only targeting UN member states, but also international law and everything that the UN has stood for over the decades. The US has blindly supported Israel at the UN throughout the years, but Haley’s […]

Al Jazeera – Baroud on Gaza’s ‘Game of Thrones’: A fight to defeat resistance

To think that Palestinian “leaders” are actually involved in tightening or manipulating the siege to exact political concessions from one another is dismaying. While Israel is invested in maintaining the Palestinian rift, Palestinians are blinded by pitiful personal interests and worthless “control” over occupied land. Between Israel’s dismissal of international calls to end the siege […]

« Game of Thrones » à Gaza : comment mieux défaire la résistance à l’occupation…

Alors qu’Israël a tout intérêt à maintenir la division palestinienne, les Palestiniens sont aveuglés par des intérêts personnels pitoyables et un « contrôle » sans signification réelle sur des terres occupées. Entre le rejet israélien des appels internationaux pour mettre fin au siège et les jeux de pouvoir pathétiques entre Palestiniens, les Gazaouis sont laissés seuls, incapables […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Palestine Speaks: Al Jazeera English online Launches ‘Palestine in Motion’

AL Jazeera English online has launched ‘Palestine in Motion‘, a storytelling technique, centered on the story of Palestinian people. ‘Palestine in Motion’ allows the user to explore the personal narratives of Palestinians, which are linked through various themes and keywords in a new and unique way. It retells the story of Palestine by linking the […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Gulf News Special: Baroud on How the 1967 War Changed Arab Discourse on Palestine

The 1967 war imposed a new reality, not only on the ground, but on the political and intellectual discourses pertaining to Palestine, Israel and the Arabs. In fact, there was a particular point in history which one can define as the very juncture that ushered in that very change: The 1967 Arab League Summit in […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Gulf News Special: Baroud on How the 1967 War Unfolded

In the early months of 1967, Soviet intelligence confirmed Syria’s and Egypt’s own estimation that Israel was preparing for a major attack on Syria. Under immense pressure, Egyptian President, Gamal Abdul Nasser, understood that his great oratory skills must translate into action, strong enough to send a message to Israel that the Arabs were prepared […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Al Jazeera Center for Studies: Baroud on Trump’s ‘No Roosevelt Moment’

Abstract For nearly 25 years, several US presidents tried to redefine American relations with the Middle East, but they rarely managed to stave off the palpable decline of the US role in shaping that strategic region. Now, Donald Trump believes he has a chance. History, however, teaches us that he is wrong. Introduction When it […]

Ramzy Baroud News

NENA: Baroud: Addio Roosevelt: Trump dai sauditi e la fine della ‘amara’ era americana

di Ramzy Baroud Ramallah, 25 maggio 2017, Nena News – Introduzione Per quanto riguarda il Medio Oriente, tutti i Presidenti americani hanno sognato di agire nel segno di Roosevelt, che fu in grado di stabilire un ruolo preciso degli Stati Uniti nella regione per 70 anni. George Bush ha tentato di rinsaldare il dominio del […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Radio: Baroud on Palestinian Resistance to 70 Years of Israeli Occupation

Ramzy Baroud joined the Scott Horton show earlier this month. Listen to his conversation on Palestinian resistance, the one state and the current situation in Palestine. “Ramzy Baroud, a journalist, author, and editor of Palestine Chronicle, discusses why Palestinians in Israeli jails are on a hunger strike; Israel’s Orwellian attempt to rewrite history by prohibiting […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Gulf News: Baroud on Israel’s ‘Culture of Fear’

Recently, a new bill was hurriedly passed in the Israeli Knesset. The Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People is the latest concoction of Israel’s right-wing Zionist Jewish parties that have dominated Israeli politics for years. With the Israeli ‘Left’ rendered irrelevant, or having itself moved to the Right, the right-wing elements […]

Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud: Nakba Forever Internalized among Exiled Palestinians

By Ramzy Baroud – Al Jazeera At 76, Tamam lives in the same refugee camp to which her family fled after their exile from Palestine during the Nakba in 1948. At least 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed between 1947 and 1948, as more than 500 Palestinian villages and towns were demolished to make room for Jewish […]

Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News

Árabes y judíos deben desafiar juntos al pasado oficial de Israel

Ramzy Baroud  Israel ha recurrido principalmente a tres estrategias para reprimir las demandas de Palestina de justicia y derechos humanos, incluido el derecho al retorno de los refugiados. Una de ellas es reescribir la historia; otra intentar distraer la atención de las realidades presentes; y la tercera intenta reclamar la historia palestina como una versión […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Cuando el Daesh sea por fin derrotado: ¿quién llenará el vacío intelectual en el mundo árabe?

Ramzy Baroud La región de Michel Aflaq, George Habash, Rashid Al-Ghannouchi, Edward Said y muchos otros ha marginado a sus intelectuales. Los visionarios árabes han sido cooptados por los exuberantes fondos asignados a la propaganda sectaria, silenciados por temor al castigo, o simplemente son incapaces de articular una visión colectiva que trascienda sus sectas, religiones […]

The exodus Of Yafa's residents in boats in May 1948. Articles Ramzy Baroud News

Baroud in Al Jazeera: How Israel’s Violent Birth Destroyed Palestine

By Ramzy Baroud – Al Jazeera As Israel celebrates the Palestinian Nakba as its triumphant independence on May 1, it is preparing for a massive celebration for the 50th anniversary of its occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Two dates are often used to frame the so-called Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Nakba Day on […]