• January 23, 2025

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud News

‘We Just Kept Walking’: Artistic Depiction of Palestinian Displacement

By Ramona Wadi “We just kept walking”. To listen to a statement repeated with both assertion and vagueness imparts a sudden realization of walking through terrain which bore lacerations of its own. The displacement enforced upon Palestinians during the Nakba is depicted from afar in this watercolor painting, with the intent to portray the contradictory […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Follow Ramzy Baroud World Tour: Palestinian Refugees Have a Voice

A Message from Ramzy Baroud Dear Readers, I am embarking on a world tour that is set to take me to several countries in five continents, starting Feb 20. I am taking advantage of the publishing of my book THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY to shed light on a new take on the history […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Baroud in Telesur English: Shadow Armies: The Unseen, But Real US War in Africa

There is a real – but largely concealed – war which is taking place throughout the African continent. It involves the United States, an invigorated Russia and a rising China. The outcome of the war is likely to define the future of the continent and its global outlook. It is easy to pin the blame […]

Baroud in Gulf News: Israel’s Legacy of Terror and Ethnic Cleansing

Zionist colonisation in Palestine began in earnest in 1881, when the leaders of the Zionist Movement in Europe eyed Arab Palestine as an exclusive home for Jews, paying little heed to the indigenous inhabitants of the land. These early ambitions culminated to a bloody, and well-orchestrated terror campaign in 1947-48, resulting in the creation of […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Ours is a Liberation Movement: Ramzy Baroud on His New Book, BDS and More

Palestine Chronicle Editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud was interviewed live at Community Forum, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle Radio, on January 6 at 7:30 am. In the interview, the Gaza-born Palestinian author discusses his forthcoming book: ‘THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY‘ and the urgent need to situate Palestinian refugees back at the center of the Palestinian […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

RT: Ramzy Baroud Confronts US-Israeli ‘Trickery’, Bullying Tactics (VIDEO)

Palestinian-US Author and journalist, Dr. Ramzy Baroud exposes the bullying tactics of the Donald Trump administration and the incessant intimidation attempts by US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley targeting the Palestinian leadership on behalf of Israel. In his latest appearance on RT TV, Baroud said that if the Palestinian leadership succumbs to US pressure, […]

Articles Ramzy Baroud News

‘Hands Off Jerusalem’: Ramzy Baroud’s Speech in Seattle (VIDEO)

Palestinian author, journalist and Palestine Chronicle Editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud delivered a speech at the ‘Hands Off Jerusalem’ rally downtown Seattle, Washington on December 16. Below is the video and the full text of his speech. My speech at the Hands Off Jerusalem protest downtown Seattle today.Learn more: https://www.ramzybaroud.net/the-last-earth-a-palestinian-story/ Posted by Ramzy Baroud on Saturday, […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Radio: Dr. Ramzy Baroud unpacking Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

President Trump just officially declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, upending decades of US diplomacy and threatening to spark massive unrest across the Muslim world. Speaking in the White House’s Diplomatic Reception Room, Trump also announced his plan to eventually relocate the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and begin the difficult […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Baroud in TRT: Trump’s Move to recognise Israel could overturn US Role in the Region

When then Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump delivered his famous speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in March 2016, he revealed the type of politician he truly is. By Washington’s standards, he was a “good politician”, devoid of any values. In his speech he made many promises to Israel. The large crowd […]

Baroud in Rebelión (traducido): 70 años de promesas rotas. La historia no contada del plan de partición

En una charla reciente ante el grupo de expertos de Chatham House en Londres, el primer ministro israelí Benjamin Netanyahu abordó el tema de un Estado palestino desde una perspectiva intelectual. Antes de que pensemos en establecer un Estado palestino, reflexionó, “es hora de que reevaluemos si el modelo moderno que tenemos de soberanía y […]

Baroud in Al Arabiya: Israeli hands in the American ‘fear industry’

There are about 70 massive walls erected all across the world with the single aim of separating countries and communities from each other. It is all done under the pretext of ‘security’, with the real intention often quite the opposite. Several of these walls are built or are in the process of being constructed by […]

Ramzy Baroud in Middle East Monitor: The Untold Story of the Partition Plan

In a recent talk before Chatham House think-tank in London, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, approached the issue of a Palestinian state from an intellectual perspective. Before we think of establishing a Palestinian state, he mused, “it is time we reassessed whether the modern model we have of sovereignty, and unfettered sovereignty, is applicable everywhere in […]

Ramzy Baroud in Al Jazeera: How a missing ‘the’ enabled Israeli occupation

When the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2334 in December 2016, Israeli leaders seethed. Their fury was duly understood to stem from what they perceived as an unprecedented betrayal by the United States. But that was not it at all, since Resolution 2334 – which asserted that Israeli settlements have no legal validity and […]

Baroud in Middle East Monitor: How Israel is exporting its occupation to the US

Israeli footprints are becoming more apparent in the US security apparatus. Such a fact does not bode well for ordinary Americans. US Senate Bill S.720 should have been a wake-up call. The bill, drafted by the Israel lobby group, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), as part of its “2017 Lobbying Agenda” is set to […]

Balfour Declaration’s 100 year anniversary: Media Interviews

Starting today and for a few days, Ramzy Baroud will be available for media interviews regarding the Balfour Declaration’s 100 year anniversary. Read Institute for Public Accuracy press release below for more information. "Balfour Declaration at 100: Cause of Mideast Instability?" @RamzyBaroudhttps://t.co/zo4hVcbT3R pic.twitter.com/ef24S5Gk2w — accuracy.org (@accuracy) October 26, 2017

Baroud in Washington Report on Middle East Affair: The Balfour Declaration Destroyed Palestine, Not the Palestinian People

SOME PROMISES ARE made and kept; others disavowed. But the “promise” made by Arthur James Balfour in what became known as the “Balfour Declaration” to the leaders of the Zionist Jewish community in Britain one hundred years ago was only honored in part: it established a state for the Jews and attempted to destroy the […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

VIDEO: The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story – By Ramzy Baroud

‘Time to reclaim our historical narrative.’ THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY Noam Chomsky: ‘In the finest tradition of people’s history, these sensitive, painful and evocative pieces provide a human face to the painful saga of Palestinian torment and the remarkable courage and resilience of the victims.’ Pre-Order the book: Amazon: https://buff.ly/2h8kING Amazon UK: https://buff.ly/2yMSaAG […]

Ramzy Baroud (Tradotto per NenaNews): Cosa c’è dietro l’accordo Fatah-Hamas

L’entusiasmo mostrato dall’Egitto nel mediare tra Hamas e Fatah, le fazioni palestinesi in lotta tra loro, non è il frutto di un’improvvisa presa di coscienza. Il Cairo, infatti, non ha mai esitato a sfruttare le divisioni tra i palestinesi con conseguenze a volte devastanti, e a tenere chiuso il valico di Rafah. L’azione dell’Egitto è, […]

Ramzy Baroud (Traducido del inglés para Rebelión): Las grandes del petróleo, una democracia fallida y los falsos profetas

Hasta cierto punto, Aung San Suu Kyi es un falso profeta. Glorificada por Occidente durante muchos años, se convirtió en un “icono de la democracia” al oponerse a las mismas fuerzas militares que siguen hoy controlando su país, Birmania, en una época en que la coalición occidental dirigida por EEUU mantenía en aislamiento a Rangún […]

Baroud – Al Jazeera Centre for Studies: No Good Options in North Korea

In a barrage of tweets from his New Jersey golf course, US President Donald Trump formulated his country’s foreign policy in the strangest way possible. Not only did he dismiss any possible diplomatic resolution to the nuclear standoff between the US and North Korea using social media, he publicly told his Secretary of State, Rex […]

Palestine/Israel Ramzy Baroud News

Endorsements and How to Pre-Order: The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story

This is a history of modern Palestine like no other: built from the testimony of people who have lived through it. Ramzy Baroud here gathers accounts from countless Palestinians from all walks of life, and from throughout the decades, to tell the story of the nation and its struggle for independence and security. Challenging both […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud Announces the Launch of His New Book ‘The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story’

Now Available for Pre-orders: A fierce and strenuous challenge to the traditional approach to history in which Palestinians, mostly refugees, are the true protagonists. “This moving and perceptive book is a journey to the heart of the evils of occupation and colonization suffered by the Palestinians on the ground. It allows the people themselves to […]

Ramzy Baroud (Translated): Big Dil, Demokraci e Dështuar dhe Durpi i Dotës në Mjanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi, “humanitaria e madhe”, ngjan ta ketë humbur integritetin teksa OKB-ja konfirmon më në fund se ajo çfarë po ngjet me muslimanët rohingia të Mjanmarit është spastrim etnik. Suu Kyi nuk ka patur madje kurajën morale për të thënë ca fjalë keqardhjeje për viktimat. Në vend të kësaj, ajo mund të thoshte […]

Ramzy Baroud (tradotto) – Il genocidio dei Rohingya: grandi compagnie petrolifere, democrazia fallita e falsi profeti

Aung San Suu Kyi ha svolto il suo ruolo come previsto, ottenendo l’appoggio della Destra e l’ammirazione della Sinistra. Per questo ha ottenuto il Premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1991: è entrata nel gruppo degli ‘Anziani’ ed è stata pubblicizzata da molti giornalisti e da vari governi come una figura eroica che si doveva […]

Ramzy Baroud (Translated): Η γενοκτονία των Rohingya: Πετρέλαιο, αποτυχημένη δημοκρατία και ψευδοπροφήτες

Ως ένα βαθμό η Aung San Suu Kyi είναι μια ψευδοπροφήτης. Η δύση την εκθείαζε για χρόνια, μετατράπηκε σε «δημοκρατικό ίνδαλμα» γιατί εναντιώθηκε στις ίδιες δυνάμεις στην χώρα της, την Βιρμανία, την ίδια περίοδο που η δυτική συμμαχία υπό τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες απομόνωναν την Ρανγκούν για την συμμαχία της με τη Κίνα. Read more… Ως […]

Cover for Ramzy Baroud’s Forthcoming Book Released

Title: The Last Earth – A Palestinian Story Original language: English To be published by Pluto Press, UK, February 2018 Genre: narrative non fiction Last Earth is a non-fictional narrative of modern Palestinian history, a unique study of people’s history and exile that attempts to challenge both academic and popular takes on Palestinian history, regardless of who […]

Ramzy Baroud & Yousef Aljamal – Al Jazeera: The 2014 War through the Eyes of Gaza’s Youth

There is a whole generation of Palestinians in Gaza that grew up knowing nothing but war and siege and have never seen the world beyond Gaza’s deadly borders. These are the voices of some of these young Gazans, who shared their tragic personal stories, hoping that the world would heed their calls for freedom and […]

Baroud su NenaNews (Traduzione): Tre anni dopo la guerra: parlano i giovani di Gaza

La guerra ha lasciato Gaza in rovina, in quanto più di 17.000 case sono state totalmente distrutte e migliaia di altre strutture, compresi ospedali, scuole e fabbriche sono state demolite o gravemente danneggiate. La guerra ha totalmente distrutto qualunque parvenza di attività economica avesse la Striscia di Gaza. Oggi l’80% di tutti i palestinesi di […]

Baroud in Arab News: Big oil, failed democracy and the world’s shame in Myanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi, the “great humanitarian,” seems to have run out of integrity as the UN finally confirms that what is happening to the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar is ethnic cleansing. Suu Kyi has not even had the moral courage to utter a few words of sympathy for the victims. Instead, she could only […]

Ramzy Baroud en Monitor de Oriente – El terrorismo que viene: La historia del Daesh aún no ha terminado

La segunda mayor ciudad de Irak, Mosul, ha quedado reducida a escombros. Al fin ha sido conquistada, arrebatada de las manos del Daesh, después de meses de bombardeos despiadados por parte de la coalición de guerra estadounidense, y de una masiva guerra terrestre. Pero ‘victoria’ no es el término que podría asignarse a este momento. […]