TRT World Now: “The Trump administration has announced it will no longer consider Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank to be illegal, reversing 50 years of policy. The announcement is seen as a boost to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who risks losing his post as his rival tries to shape a new coalition government […]
Palestine In-Depth with Ramzy Baroud” is a production of The Palestine Chronicle. Please watch the second episode, “Who is Responsible for the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians?” Check out my latest video!Who is Responsible for the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians? Palestine in Depth – with Ramzy Baroud A Production of the Palestine Chronicle For […]
Le 16 Novembre, Dr. Ramzy Baroud va participer au colloque “Israéliens et Palestiniens ensemble contre l’Apartheid”, organisé par le Comité de Vigilance pour une paix réelle au Proche-Orient, en partenariat avec le site Orient XII. Le colloque aura lieu au Palais du Luxembourg, siège du Sénat Français, 15, de 9h à 17h30. Les organisateurs ont […]
By Ramzy Baroud Today, the comparison between Israeli and South African apartheid is as pervasive as it is obvious. Just as South Africa and many other settler colonies did in the past, Israel is now utilizing policies of racial segregation and ethnic cleansing to advance and preserve the interests of the colonialists while suppressing and […]
Dear Readers, I am embarking on the fourth leg of my world tour, which this time will take me to South Africa. I will be in South Africa from September 15 to September 25 on a tour to discuss my latest book, The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story (London: Pluto Press, 2018). I will be […]
Ramzy Baroud’s latest volume, ‘The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story’ is the subject of a lively discussion in this Press TV program, ‘Last Chapter’, involving former British MP, Derek Conway, Human Rights barrister, Salma Karmi-Ayyoub and political analyst and writer, Nasim Ahmed. The Last Earth recounts the experiences of ordinary people who have lost their homes, […]
Mick Napier talks to Ramzy Baroud about his forthcoming book on Palestinian prisoners, “These Chains Will Be Broken“, and his last book, “The Last Earth“. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian prisoners’ experiences in Israeli jails have rarely been told. Western media portrays them as ‘terrorists’ while well-meaning third-party human rights advocates paint them as hapless […]
Organized by the British NGO Friends of Al-Aqsa (FOA), Palestine Expo has been dubbed the ‘biggest Palestine event in Europe‘, being held in the iconic Olympia Exhibition Centre in London. The Palestine Chronicle chief editor, Dr. Ramzy Baroud, addressed the audiences in two panels on Saturday, dedicated to the problem of illegal Israeli Jewish settlements […]
Dear readers, I am embarking on the third leg of my world tour, which this time will take me to Kenya and, again, to the UK. I will be in Nairobi from June 25 to July 3 on a ground-breaking tour to discuss my latest book, The Last Earth (Pluto, 2018). I will be speaking […]
“Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter” is a popular adage within the African decolonial literary movement, and according to Palestinian author, Ramzy Baroud, it accurately describes how the Israeli narrative has dominated the story of the occupation of Palestine. Baroud will be in Nairobi from June 25 to […]
Dear Friends and Readers, I look forward to meeting some of you on the next leg of my speaking tour. This is a tentative list as more events will be added soon. Thank you. PCRF at Rutgers – Thursday, April 18 – 7 pm It is my pleasure to return to Rutgers University, New Jersey, this […]
Friends and Readers in Atlanta, GA I look forward to my speaking tour in your city and having the chance to meet and converse with some of you in person. If you wish to attend any of my talks, please note the information and links below about my forthcoming events starting, January 27: Sunday, January […]
Ramzy Baroud: There is an absolute and urgent need for the Palestinian people to champion their own story, and to define the nature of solidarity. Without the Palestinian people being the central component of the story, the Palestinian narrative is not owned by the Palestinian people. And yes, there are many Palestinians who are uncompromisingly […]
Prof. Cynthia Franklin (Facebook): “Ramzy Baroud, Kerry Kamakaoka’ilima, Joy Enomoto, and Ali H. Musleh being their brilliant selves at the roundtable, “The Last Earth: New Horizons in Inter/Nationalism, From Palestine to Hawai’i” at the Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, November 2, 2018. If you missed this, now you can see it. And if you see it, you will want to […]
Baroud explains why reclaiming the Palestinian narrative should be the driving force behind the struggle for Palestinian rights. Other guests included Hanan Ashrawi, Cindy and Craig Corrie, Haidar Eid, Jeff Halper, Sam Bahour, Max Blumenthal, and others.
Dear Readers, I am embarking on the second leg of my world tour that is set to take me to several countries, starting Nov 1. I am taking advantage of the publishing of my book THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY to shed light on a new take on the history of the Palestinian people, […]
(Translated for En conséquence, l’UNRWA traverse sa pire crise financière. Le déficit dans son budget est estimé à environ 217 millions de dollars et augmente rapidement. En plus des catastrophes à venir qu’entraîneraient la suppression des services et de l’aide humanitaire si nécessaires aux cinq millions de réfugiés enregistrés auprès de l’UNRWA, l’impact de […]
(Traduzione di Leopoldo Salmaso) C’è una spiegazione razionale del perché India e Brasile, due stati molto popolati e con grandi e crescenti economie, non sono membri permanenti del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite (UNSC). Il Consiglio – composto da cinque membri permanenti e dieci a rotazione – fu progettato per riflettere l’ordine mondiale partorito […]
Lamia, Reem, Shaima e Dwlat sono donne palestinesi forti proprio come Ahed, ma le loro storie sono state ignorate. Ahed Tamimi, la diciassettenne militante palestinese del villaggio di Nabi Saleh in Cisgiordania, è un’icona di una giovane generazione ribelle di palestinesi che ha dimostrato di non tollerare le continue violazioni israeliane dei loro diritti e […]
Hanan al-Khoudari recurrió a Facebook como grito de ayuda cuando las autoridades israelíes rechazaron su petición de permitirle acompañar a su hijo de tres años, Louay, a su sesión de quimioterapia en Jerusalén Este. El niño sufre de un ‘sarcoma agresivo en el tejido blando’. Las autoridades israelíes justificaron su decisión basándose en la vaga […]
A new discourse regarding the future of Gaza has slowly emerged in recent months, emanating mostly from Washington and Tel Aviv and involving several Arab countries, most notably Egypt. U.S. and Israeli officials have been speaking in forked tongues. While justifying the killing and wounding of thousands of protesters at the fence separating Gaza from […]
Ahed Tamimi, the 17-year-old Palestinian activist from the village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, is an icon of a rebellious young generation of Palestinians which has demonstrated it has little tolerance for Israel’s persistent violations of their rights and freedoms. After spending eight months in jail for confronting Israeli occupation soldiers in her […]
Mike Treen, National Director of Unite Union, Auckland, discusses with Palestinian writer Ramzy Baroud on why he is going on the Freedom Flotilla in July 2018. The Flotilla will take aid to Gaza in an attempt to break the 11-years Israeli blockade.
Ramzy Baroud’s interview in ‘The World’ – ABC Australia about the situation in Gaza and the rest of Palestine, on May 14. Click here to watch the full interview…
Ramzy Baroud interviewed by Kim Hill on popular ‘Saturday Morning’ national radio programme (RNZ), on May 19. Click here to listen…
Hundreds of supporters gathered in Sydney on Tuesday night in solidarity with the Palestinian protesters killed by the Israeli military as the US celebrated the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. “The Israelis and their American friends are dancing. They are celebrating while my people have dug 58 more graves just today,” Dr Ramzy […]
This is the story of four Palestinian peasants who have been dead and buried for many years, but whose legacy continues to define the collective aspirations of a whole nation. It is also the story of a village that was erased from existence 70 years ago. The peasants are my grandparents, and the village of […]
By Rebecca Stead On Tuesday, March 27, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) hosted Ramzy Baroud as he launched his new book The Last Earth in front of a packed lecture theater at Imperial College, London. Chaired by Dr Dina Matar of the Centre for Palestine Studies at SOAS, University of London, Baroud shared his thoughts on […]
Palestine Chronicle Editor, Ramzy Baroud appeared on RT’s Sputnik with George Galloway. Click here to watch. Galloway said: “If the Palestinians had a royal family, our guest this week would be a member of it. He’s one of the best-known writers and thinkers in the seemingly intractable conflict over a tiny piece of earth, smaller […]
To impart narratives of displacement, it is important to listen to the echoes of such trajectories. Ramzy Baroud’s latest book, The Last Earth: a Palestinian story, propels this dimension immediately to the fore. The reader takes a step back to listen, imagine and realise the immense contradictions, where life is in a constant struggle with death […]