• May 5, 2024


Articles Palestine/Israel

Bennett’s Political Theater: The Decisive Israeli-Palestinian Fight Ahead

So far, Bennett has proven to be another Netanyahu. Yet, if Israel’s longest-running prime minister ultimately failed to convince Israelis of the merit of his political doctrine, Bennett’s charade is likely to be exposed much sooner, and the price, this time, is sure to be even heavier.

Articles Global Affairs

Words Alone Will Not End Anti-Muslim Terror in Canada

Terrorism will not end as a result of pomposity but through real action. Trudeau seems to have much of the former and none of the latter.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

‘Putting Lipstick on a Pig’: Why Washington is Fawning over Israel’s New Government

While the Americans and the Israelis are busy engaging in the ever-familiar ritual of ‘putting lipstick on a pig’, the Palestinians remain irrelevant in all of this, as their political aspirations continue to be discounted, and their freedom delayed.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

On Trumpism and Netanyahuism: How Benjamin Netanyahu Won America and Lost Israel

Whatever that is, it will surely be situated within the familiar context of Netanyahu’s angry army of Israeli right-wing zealots aided and abetted by Christian fundamentalists in the US and elsewhere. He may have won America, but — for now — he has lost Israel.

Articles Media Palestine/Israel

Say This, Don’t Say That: Time to Confront the Misleading Language on Palestine, Israel

It will not be easy to deconstruct the seemingly endless edifice of lies, half-truths, and intentional misrepresentations of Zionist Israeli colonialism in Palestine.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

On the Politics of Victory and Defeat: How Gaza Dethroned the King of Israel

Netanyahu struggled to redeem his image. It was too late. As strange as this may sound, it was not Bennett or Lieberman who finally dethroned the ‘King of Israel’, but the Palestinians themselves.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Power at Any Cost: How Opportunistic Mansour Abbas Joined Hands with Avowed ‘Arab Killers’

n truth, Mansour Abbas, a Palestinian Arab politician who is willing to find common ground with extremists and proud ‘Arab killers’,  only represents himself. The future shall attest to this claim. 

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Fumbling King of Palestine: Palestinians are Defeating the Oslo Culture

Neither Washington, Tel Aviv, nor Mahmoud Abbas’ PA can possibly resuscitate the past and the miserable culture that Oslo has imposed on the Palestinian people. Only Palestinians can lead this transition for a better future, that of national unity, political clarity and, ultimately, freedom.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Palestine’s Moment: Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians Have Altered the Course of History

Finally, it can unequivocally be asserted that the Palestinian resistance scored a major victory, arguably unprecedented in its proud history. This is the first time that Israel is forced to accept that the rules of the game have changed, likely foreverhttps://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210525-despite-massive-losses-the-palestinians-have-altered-the-course-of-history/

Articles Palestine/Israel

Unity at Last: The Palestinian People Have Risen

Speak up. Speak out. The Palestinians have risen. It is time to rally behind them.

Esquire: Baroud’s Book among Top Ten Books on Palestine

They include In Search of Fatima, by Ghada Karmi, A Child in Palestine by Naji al-Ali, and My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story, by Ramzy Baroud. 

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Evolution of Apartheid: Why Israel is Becoming a Pariah State

No amount of Israeli propaganda and smear campaigns can turn the tide back in favor of Israel. While it may be too early to speak of a major paradigm shift, it is certainly no longer far-fetched to imagine that such a possibility is finally at hand.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Muna is Palestine, Yakub is Israel: The Untold Story of Sheikh Jarrah

The untold story of Sheikh Jarrah, of Jerusalem – in fact, of all of Palestine – is that of Muna and Yakub, the former representing Palestine, the latter, Israel. For justice to ever be attained, Muna must be allowed to reclaim her stolen home and Yakub must be held accountable for his crime.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

‘Anti-Zionist Naples’: Award-Winning Italian Artist Speaks about Palestine and Why He Quit Photojournalism

We spoke to the Italian artist to understand his connection with Palestine and the Arab world, his inspirations and his ongoing fight against injustice in all of its forms.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Palestine’s Moment of Reckoning: On Abbas’ Dangerous Decision to ‘Postpone’ Elections

The decision on April 30 by Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, to ‘postpone’ Palestinian elections, which would have been the first in 15 years, will deepen Palestinian division and could, potentially, signal the collapse of the Fatah Movement, at least in its current form. Unlike the last Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006, the big story, […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Bottom-up Politics: Grassroots Activism Behind Pro-Palestine Shift in the US

While the Israel lobby still wields the dual weapon of money and propaganda, politically engaged grassroots activism is proving decisive in garnering American solidarity with Palestine, while slowly translating this solidarity into actual political gains.

Articles Middle East

On Spirituality and Low-Quality Entertainment: Ramadan Accentuates Inequality in the Arab World

Ramadan is the time where the Ummah should, once more, rediscover its identity and collective strength, for the sake of all Muslims; in fact, for the sake of humanity at large.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

A Palestinian Prayer for Ramadan: May the Voices of the Oppressed Be Heard

Perhaps this Ramadan can serve as the opportunity for social justice to be finally enacted and for the oppressed to be heard so that their hymn of torment and hope may rise above the clouds.

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Recognition of Palestine is ‘Symbolic’ but also Critical: The Australian Case

The ALP recognition of Palestine is, for now, mere symbolism. If utilized correctly, through pressure, advocacy and mobilization, it could turn into something meaningful in the future. 

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Israel Rejects ICC Investigation: What Are the Possible Future Scenarios?

While Palestinians remain cautious about the future of the investigation, hope is slowly rising that, this time around, things may be different and that Israeli war criminals will eventually be held accountable for their crimes. Time will tell.

Articles Global Affairs

The Clandestine War on Africa: France’s Endgame in Mali

The story is meant to end here, but it will not – as long as Mali is exploited by outsiders, as long as poverty and inequality will continue to exist, leading to insurrections, rebellions and military coups.

Articles Palestine/Israel

From His Solitary Confinement, Marwan Barghouti Holds the Key to Fatah’s Future

As it stands, the key to the future of Fatah is now held by a Palestinian prisoner, Marwan Barghouti, who has been kept by Israel, largely in solitary confinement, since 2002.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Kafkaesque Politics: The Missing Lessons from Israel’s Latest Elections

With or without Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, Israel is unlikely to produce a politically unifying figure, one who is capable of redefining the country beyond Netanyahu-style cult of personality.

Articles Global Affairs

Nuclear Weapons Blazing: Britain Enters the US-China Fray

The British foreign policy shift is an unprecedented gamble for London as the nature of the new Cold War is fundamentally different from that of the previous one; this time around, the ‘West’ is divided, torn by politics and crises, while NATO is no longer the superpower it once was.

Articles Palestine/Israel

The Nakba of Sheikh Jarrah: How Israel Uses ‘the Law’ to Ethnically Cleanse East Jerusalem

While the Israeli State claims to play an impartial role in this scheme, it is actually the facilitator of the entire process. The final outcome manifests in the ever-predictable scene, where an Israeli flag is triumphantly hoisted over a Palestinian home and a Palestinian family is assigned an UN-supplied tent and a few blankets.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

From the Earth to the Moon: Biden’s China Policy Doomed from the Start

Certainly, the US-led ‘Quad’ meeting was neither historic nor a game-changer, as all indicators attest that China’s global leadership will continue unhindered, a consequential event that is already reordering the world’s geopolitical paradigms which have been in place for over a century.

Articles Global Affairs

The Ongoing Calamity: US Collective Punishment of the Venezuelan People Must End

Washington’s futile sanctions-based approach to Venezuela has proved not only immensely harmful to the welfare of the Venezuelan people but also to Washington’s own regional interests. Washington’s obstinacy allowed its global rivals, Russia and China, to unprecedentedly cement their economic and strategic interests in that country.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Elections under Fire: Palestine’s Impossible Democracy Dilemma

Palestine, like other Middle Eastern countries, including Israel, does have a crisis of political legitimacy. Since Palestine is an occupied land with little or no freedom, one is justified to argue that true democracy under these horrific conditions cannot possibly be achieved.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

The American Injustice Industry: Why Shutting Down Guantánamo is Not Enough

So, even if Biden is able to overcome pressure from the military, from the CIA, and from Congress to shut Guantánamo down, justice will still be absent, not only because of the numerous lives that are forever shattered but because America still refuses to learn from its mistakes.

Articles Palestine/Israel

Ready to Work with Netanyahu: Mansour Abbas Splinters Arab Vote in Israel

Now that all electoral alliances have been finalized, Mansour Abbas has clearly made the wrong choice and, no matter the outcome, he has already lost.