• April 27, 2024

Middle East

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

From Korea to Libya: On the Future of Ukraine and NATO’s Neverending Wars

Though military invasions must be wholly rejected, whether in Iraq or Ukraine, turning Ukraine into another convenient zone of perpetual geopolitical struggle between NATO and Russia is not the answer.  

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Can Israel Exist without America: Numbers Speaks of a Changing Reality

The fight against Israeli occupation and apartheid can no longer be disproportionately focused on breaking up the ‘special relationship’ that united Tel Aviv and Washington for over 50 years.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Weathering the Global Storm: Why Neutrality is Not an Option for Palestinians

Common sense dictates that Palestinians must develop a unified front to cope with the massive changes underway in the world, changes that will eventually yield a whole new geopolitical reality.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

On Palestine’s Everyday Victories: Why Israel is No Longer the Exception

Israel is not the exception, and like other colonial, apartheid regimes, it will eventually collapse, paving the way for a possible future where Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews can coexist as equals.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Instead of Freeing Palestinian Prisoners, New Scheme Aims at Punishing Their Families

Maybe the discussion should also be expanded to include the freedom of all Palestinians who are experiencing their own forms of imprisonment by Israel.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

As Israel Plots Endgame in Occupied Golan, Bennett Must Remember Lessons of the Past

All popular Palestinian uprisings of the past were initiated at times when Israel assumed that it had the upper hand, and that people’s resistance has been forever pacified.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Why is Israel Amending Its Open-Fire Policy: Three Possible Answers

It is true that Israel operates outside the minimum standards of international and humanitarian laws, but it is the responsibility of the international community to protect Palestinians, whose lives remain precious even if Israel disagrees.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

‘Previously Unknown Massacres’: Why is Israel Allowed to Own Palestinian History?

It is time that those who have paid far more attention to the Israeli narrative abandon such illusions and, for once, listen to Palestinian voices, because the truth of the victim is a wholly different story than that of the aggressor.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Why the Palestinian Voice Should Take Center Stage

Without that genuine and engaged Palestinian intellectual, the world’s priorities will continue to gravitate towards Israeli priorities, towards US interests and their subsequent fraudulent language about ‘peace,’ security’ and such.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Banning of Palestinian NGOs: How Israel Tries to Silence Human Rights Defenders

Though it is ultimately the people who liberate themselves, international solidarity is essential to the process of national liberation. This was the case in South Africa, and will surely be the case in Palestine, as well.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Political Islam and Democracy Crisis in North Africa

While the Justice and Development Party, Ennahda and other Islamic parties have much reflection to do, we ought to remember that the future is not shaped by deterministic notions, but by dynamic processes which constantly produce new variables, thus results. This is as true in North Africa as will always prove to be true in the rest of the world.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Heroes or Parasites: Europe’s Self-serving Politics on Refugees

While we are busy manipulating language, there are thousands who are stranded at sea and hundreds of thousands languishing in refugee camps worldwide. They are only welcomed if they serve as political capital. Otherwise, they remain a ‘problem’ to be dealt with – violently, if necessary.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Untold Story of Why Palestinians Are Divided

In post-Abbas Palestine, Palestinians must reflect on this tragic history and, instead of aiming for easy fixes, concentrate on finding common ground beyond parties, factions, clans and privilege.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

On Afghanistan and Legitimate Resistance: Should Hamas, Hezbollah Learn from the Taliban?

The victory of the Taliban will extend well beyond the borders of Afghanistan, breaking the limits imposed on the discussion by western-centric officials, media and academia, namely the urgently needed clear distinction between terrorism and national liberation.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

From the ‘Iron Wall’ to the ‘Villa in the Jungle’: Palestinians Demolish Israel’s Security Myths

Until Israel abandons its foolish ‘security’ fantasies, there can never be true peace in Palestine, neither for the occupied and oppressed Palestinians, nor for the Israeli occupiers.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

Following Afghanistan Defeat: Can EU Win Own ‘Independence’ from the US?

Macron’s once ‘controversial’ view is now mainstream thinking in Europe, especially as many EU policy-makers feel disowned, if not betrayed, by the US in Afghanistan.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Hashtag ‘Untie_Our_Hands’: How Many More Palestinians Must Die for Israel’s ‘Security’?

Considering the disproportionate number of Palestinian casualties which, at times, push Palestinian morgues in Gaza to full capacity, it is inconceivable what Israeli soldiers, army generals, and politicians want exactly when they speak of ‘untying their hands’.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

On Propaganda and Failed Narratives: New Understanding of Afghanistan is a Must

Afghanistan is now in urgent need of a government that truly represents the people of that country. This is the true national narrative of Afghanistan that must be nurtured outside the confines of the self-serving Western mischaracterization of Afghanistan and her people.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

‘Blood for Blood’: On Jenin and Israel’s Fear of an Armed Palestinian Rebellion

It is obvious that what is currently taking place in Jenin is indicative of something much larger. Israel knows this, thus the exaggerated violence against the camp.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

Palestine’s Africa Dichotomy: Is Israel Really ‘Winning’ Africa?

Africa is also the heart of the most powerful anti-colonial trends the world has ever known. A continent of this size, complexity, and proud history cannot be written off as if a mere ‘prize’ to be won or lost by Israel and its neocolonial friends.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Quiet Rebellion: Why US Jews Turning against Israel is Good for Palestinians

Israel is now at a crossroads. It can only win back the support of US Jews if it behaves in such a way that is consistent with their moral frame of reference. Hence, it would have to end its military occupation, dismantle its apartheid regime and reverse its racist laws.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Politics of Cheering and Booing: On Palestine, Solidarity and the Tokyo Olympics

The truth is, for us, Palestinians, the Olympics are not an ethnocentric exercise. Our relationship to it is not simply inspired by race, nationality or even religion, but by humanity itself.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

On the Politics of Victory and Defeat: How Gaza Dethroned the King of Israel

Netanyahu struggled to redeem his image. It was too late. As strange as this may sound, it was not Bennett or Lieberman who finally dethroned the ‘King of Israel’, but the Palestinians themselves.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Fumbling King of Palestine: Palestinians are Defeating the Oslo Culture

Neither Washington, Tel Aviv, nor Mahmoud Abbas’ PA can possibly resuscitate the past and the miserable culture that Oslo has imposed on the Palestinian people. Only Palestinians can lead this transition for a better future, that of national unity, political clarity and, ultimately, freedom.

Esquire: Baroud’s Book among Top Ten Books on Palestine

They include In Search of Fatima, by Ghada Karmi, A Child in Palestine by Naji al-Ali, and My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story, by Ramzy Baroud. 

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

The Evolution of Apartheid: Why Israel is Becoming a Pariah State

No amount of Israeli propaganda and smear campaigns can turn the tide back in favor of Israel. While it may be too early to speak of a major paradigm shift, it is certainly no longer far-fetched to imagine that such a possibility is finally at hand.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

‘Anti-Zionist Naples’: Award-Winning Italian Artist Speaks about Palestine and Why He Quit Photojournalism

We spoke to the Italian artist to understand his connection with Palestine and the Arab world, his inspirations and his ongoing fight against injustice in all of its forms.

Articles Middle East

On Spirituality and Low-Quality Entertainment: Ramadan Accentuates Inequality in the Arab World

Ramadan is the time where the Ummah should, once more, rediscover its identity and collective strength, for the sake of all Muslims; in fact, for the sake of humanity at large.

Articles Global Affairs Middle East Palestine/Israel

A Palestinian Prayer for Ramadan: May the Voices of the Oppressed Be Heard

Perhaps this Ramadan can serve as the opportunity for social justice to be finally enacted and for the oppressed to be heard so that their hymn of torment and hope may rise above the clouds.

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Kafkaesque Politics: The Missing Lessons from Israel’s Latest Elections

With or without Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, Israel is unlikely to produce a politically unifying figure, one who is capable of redefining the country beyond Netanyahu-style cult of personality.