Dr. Mads Gilbert joins the Floodgate Podcast to discuss Israel’s systematic attacks on Gaza’s healthcare system and the urgent need to decolonize solidarity..
The conversation also delved into Israel’s mounting losses in Gaza, with newly released figures suggesting nearly 6,000 Israeli soldiers have been killed in 2024 alone.
In a recent interview, Dr. Baroud emphasized that Trump holds no real leverage over the Palestinian people.
Ahmet Davutoğlu clarifies his Gaza proposal, rejecting neo-Ottoman claims and calling for Palestinian self-determination.
«Nella migliore tradizione della storia dei popoli, questi testi sensibili, dolorosi ed evocativi mostrano il lato umano della dolorosa saga del tormento palestinese, nonché dell’eccezionale resilienza e coraggio delle vittime.» Noam Chomsky
‘We Are Not Numbers’ director, Ahmed Alnaouq, and West Bank-based journalist, Fahya Shalash join Romana Rubeo and Ramzy Baroud in this critical and exciting conversation on Palestine in the media.
The launch of the widely-acclaimed book ‘Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out’ by Dr. Ramzy Baroud and Professor Ilan Pappe was held on June 10 in London’s Wellcome Centre, commemorating another milestone in the struggle for Palestine’s freedom from occupation.
The London-based Middle East Monitor will be hosting the book launch for the just released “Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out“, edited by Dr. Ramzy Baroud and Professor Ilan Pappe. The event, set to take place on Friday June 10, 6:30-9:30 pm will include a panel discussion featuring the book’s […]
The ‘fascinating book’, which has received raving reviews from iconic intellectuals around the world, provides a rare view of the future of Palestine.
ABOUT THE BOOK Co-edited by Ilan Pappe and Ramzy Baroud, Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out aims to challenge several strata of the current Palestine discourse that have led to the present dead end: the American pro-Israel political discourse, the Israeli colonial discourse, the Arab discourse of purported normalization, and […]
‘Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders and Intellectuals Speak Out’ is a fascinating book, a beautiful book, a real treasure.
Mark Seddon discusses with Ramzy Baroud the unfolding crisis in Ukraine through the eyes of the Palestinian people.
Watch this compelling video, share it, and obtain the book. There is a whole new Palestine waiting to be told.
Aludaini was there during the entire ordeal, reporting on the dead and the wounded, consoling bereaved families, and also taking part in an historic moment when all of Gaza rose and united behind a single chant of freedom.
Dr. Ghada Ageel and Dr. Ramzy Baroud have more in common than their scholarly research on Palestinian history and politics. They are both refugees, and the direct descendants of Palestinian refugees who have been expelled from their historic village of Beit Daras at gunpoint during the catastrophic events that led to the Palestinian Nakba of […]
The ‘prison’ in this book is a metaphor for the collective Palestinian prison experience. All Palestinians are prisoners—those held in besieged Gaza or those trapped behind walls, fences and checkpoints in the West Bank. All experience some manifestation of prison every day of their lives.
Palestinian author, journalist and Palestine Chronicle Editor, Ramzy Baroud delivers a speech in Arabic at the workshop: Palestinians in Diaspora between Theory and Practice: Role, Representation, and Challenges, in Istanbul, on February 1.
By Ramona Wadi (These Chains Will be Broken: Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons, Clarity Press, Atlanta, 2019) What the news reports eliminate, Ramzy Baroud’s new book, These Chains Will be Broken: Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons, pushes to the fore. Palestinian prisoners, misrepresented through statistics, news reports, exploitation and glorification, […]
Palestinian prisoners are an essential element in the collective resistance against Israeli colonialism, apartheid and military occupation. Rather than being viewed as unfortunate victims, their steadfastness exemplifies the ongoing fight of the Palestinian people as a whole. Despite Palestinian factionalism and lack of a unified political movement, Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons serve as […]
Dr. Ramzy Baroud’s delivery of the 2019 Hisham Sharabi Memorial Lecture addresses the necessity of re-articulating the Palestinian narrative, based on the aspirations of the Palestinian people. He reminds us that they are the protagonists of the Palestinian story, the victims of oppression and the main channel of resistance, starting with the creation of Israel […]
Ramzy Baroud: There is an absolute and urgent need for the Palestinian people to champion their own story, and to define the nature of solidarity. Without the Palestinian people being the central component of the story, the Palestinian narrative is not owned by the Palestinian people.
Le 16 Novembre, Dr. Ramzy Baroud va participer au colloque “Israéliens et Palestiniens ensemble contre l’Apartheid”, organisé par le Comité de Vigilance pour une paix réelle au Proche-Orient, en partenariat avec le site Orient XII. Le colloque aura lieu au Palais du Luxembourg, siège du Sénat Français, 15, de 9h à 17h30. Les organisateurs ont […]
Dear Readers, I am embarking on the fourth leg of my world tour, which this time will take me to South Africa. I will be in South Africa from September 15 to September 25 on a tour to discuss my latest book, The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story (London: Pluto Press, 2018). I will be […]
Ramzy Baroud’s latest volume, ‘The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story’ is the subject of a lively discussion in this Press TV program, ‘Last Chapter’, involving former British MP, Derek Conway, Human Rights barrister, Salma Karmi-Ayyoub and political analyst and writer, Nasim Ahmed. The Last Earth recounts the experiences of ordinary people who have lost their homes, […]
Dear readers, I am embarking on the third leg of my world tour, which this time will take me to Kenya and, again, to the UK. I will be in Nairobi from June 25 to July 3 on a ground-breaking tour to discuss my latest book, The Last Earth (Pluto, 2018). I will be speaking […]
Dear Friends and Readers, I look forward to meeting some of you on the next leg of my speaking tour. This is a tentative list as more events will be added soon. Thank you. PCRF at Rutgers – Thursday, April 18 – 7 pm It is my pleasure to return to Rutgers University, New Jersey, this […]
Friends and Readers in Atlanta, GA I look forward to my speaking tour in your city and having the chance to meet and converse with some of you in person. If you wish to attend any of my talks, please note the information and links below about my forthcoming events starting, January 27: Sunday, January […]
Ramzy Baroud: There is an absolute and urgent need for the Palestinian people to champion their own story, and to define the nature of solidarity. Without the Palestinian people being the central component of the story, the Palestinian narrative is not owned by the Palestinian people. And yes, there are many Palestinians who are uncompromisingly […]
Dear Readers, I am embarking on the second leg of my world tour that is set to take me to several countries, starting Nov 1. I am taking advantage of the publishing of my book THE LAST EARTH: A PALESTINIAN STORY to shed light on a new take on the history of the Palestinian people, […]
By Jim Miles (Ramzy Baroud. The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story. London: Pluto Press, 2018. Order it now) The Last Earth is a masterful weaving of personal stories into the full tapestry of a people, of individuals, torn from their homes and homeland. It is the kind of history not bound up in sequential dates, political […]