• March 26, 2025

My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story

My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story by Ramzy Baroud (London: Pluto Press, 2009)

Baroud’s vivid and honest account reveals the complex human beings; revolutionaries, great moms and dads, lovers, and comedians that make Gaza so much more than just a disputed territory.

ISBN: 9780745328812
Extent: 232pp
Release Date: 09 Dec 2009
Size: 230mm x 150mm
Format: Paperback

Order from the publisher – Pluto Press.

Order from Amazon.



Gaza is the frontline in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and rarely out of the news, this book explores the daily lives of the people in the region, giving us an insight into what is at risk in each round of violence.

Ramzy Baroud tells his father’s fascinating story. Driven out of his village to a refugee camp, he took up arms and fought the occupation at the same time raising a family and trying to do the best for his children. Baroud’s vivid and honest account reveals the complex human beings; revolutionaries, great moms and dads, lovers, and comedians that make Gaza so much more than just a disputed territory.


About The Author

Ramzy Baroud is a syndicated columnist, veteran journalist and Editor-in-Chief of PalestineChronicle.com. He has appeared on numerous television programs including CNN International, BBC, ABC Australia, National Public Radio and Al-Jazeera. His previous books include Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion (2003) and The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People’s Struggle (Pluto, 2006).

“This book should be read by all who struggle to understand the Middle East and to find passage to a just peace in the region.”
(Cindy and Craig Corrie, The Rachel Corrie Foundation)

“Ramzy Baroud has written a deeply moving chronicle of the persisting Palestinian ordeal. … This book more than any I have read tells me why anyone of conscience must stand in solidarity with the continuing struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination and a just peace.”
(Richard Falk)

“Ramzy Baroud’s sensitive, thoughtful, searching writing penetrates to the core of moral dilemmas that their intended audiences evade at their peril,”
(Noam Chomsky)

“This is a very fine book: both a loving tribute to the author’s father and the struggle and pain of Palestine seen through the witness and insights of two generations. Together, they beckon freedom.”
(John Pilger)

“Ramzy Baroud is a gifted writer. His is one of the few books … about the life, depopulation and struggle for survival of the people of a village in south Palestine. … No amount of spin could obliterate that, or could deny the indefatigable persistence of Palestinians to survive and struggle to return home.”
(Salman Abu Sitta, author and historian, Founder and President of Palestine Land Society, London.)


Order the Book

Order from the publisher – Pluto Press.

Order from Amazon.


  • Gloria Behrens Reply

    August 2, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    I am left with a deep sorrow and impotency in front of the enormous tragedy of the people of Gaza. Their struggle is a nightmare in the sea of “civilization”.
    I recommend this book, which humanizes the history of Gazan through the records of the authors’ father. Anyone who wants to learn the facts from 1948 when the state of Israel was established in the land of Palestine and the continuous heartbreaking occupation of Gaza must read this book.

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